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Shooting percentage


Rookie 1
Why do i keep missing on a 68-69% percentage shots? its not even contested. sometimes i'll miss 3 straight wide open 68-69% 3pt shots or 5 of those in 1 game.. does it mean its not accurate?? :roll:


Pro 1
Look at these percentages as a long-term-average.

There are SD quarters you play with disadvantage and there's also some kind of 'random difficulty setting' that may push you down or up.

In the end you may get friendly quarters where you get 100% in threes, some around the promised 70%, and some tough ones where you shoot only 40% or even worse. In the first SD season I did get a couple of quarters where I missed every three.

But I think that in the long-term the percentages are close to being accurate.


Rookie 2
I can say for sure that last season I had a classic team with 3 players that got 80% for an open 3pt shots.
This was a dynamite team!
I scored 20+ pts in almost every Q.
Still from time to time they would get black matches. It is more common when the opponent has a significant overall advantage
It really is frustrating. I'd rather consistently shoot 45-60 % on perfect release 3s instead of 3/10 this stretch, 6/8 this stretch, 7/9 this stretch and 2/10 this stretch.


All-Star 1
But that's real life man. You go out on the court with a 63% avg & lead the league.....still gonna be days where you're 1/9. Why do you expect to make the shot just bc you're open or bc it's says 68%? If it doesn't say 100%, there's a chance you miss it
I'm more concerned about missing an +80% dunk +80% of the time...

I got bored and frustrated and did the tutorial in settings again. It's worth about 500 coins and 100 XP and zero stamina.

On the dunk tutorial, I noticed it specified to release the finger from the dunk button once pushed. I don't know if it matters but I'd had a habit of holding the dunk button, thinking it'd help. Stopped holding it, and instead release it as soon as they begin stride and haven't missed a dunk since, which is shocking to me! I haven't had a chance to test this theory with less than 5 seconds left in the quarter, which seems to increase the chance of the dunk missing.

I had someone earlier suggest to always take the layup, which I was trying to do before they suggested it, but that can be even worse!! They can blow the easiest layups by simply tossing it to the bottom of the rim or when they take like four unnecessary steps and turn the layup into a jump shot of sorts.


All-Star 1
I'm more concerned about missing an +80% dunk +80% of the time...

Any dunk really. A dunk should be made 99% of the time unless it's contested/ in traffic. Screw the stat rating, there arent that many dunks being missed in games. Master Embiid misses more dunks than my 6 ft tall white ass would....


Pro 1
Regarding dunks, we have a safe option in lay-ups so it's all about doing that instead, while we are playing with not so highly rated cards.

I think they could raise the percentage in open dunks tho and eventually lower it even more in contested dunks.

For example a player like Westbrook dunked at 78% last season.

Someone was wondering about Durant's rating in other post, and he actually dunked more and with a better percentage than Embiid (91% vs 89%, 94 vs 82 FGM).

But that's real life man. You go out on the court with a 63% avg & lead the league.....still gonna be days where you're 1/9. Why do you expect to make the shot just bc you're open or bc it's says 68%? If it doesn't say 100%, there's a chance you miss it

I hear you, and I want to agree, and normally would if these were 12 mins quarters or even 5 minute quarters. These are 2 and a half minute quarters. If the computer decides you're in a slump, you will lose the game while shooting wide open shots with a perfect release. I don't think that's acceptable in a game people are paying actual money into. The same with the dunk/layup thing. Folks are paying actual money, some hundreds, into this game. I don't care if they want a "slow start" to the season, it's unacceptable that you can't rely on the most simple shot in the game to go in!

On top of that, folks grind showdown for hours and hours to improve their lineup and the best we can get is computer decided matches?? Miss that wide open dunk/layup with 3 seconds left and lose by 1 point? That's not a coincidence. That's decided. The AI is overpowered more than usual. That's decided. Missing wide open perfect release 3s at the last second and again losing by 1? That's decided!!!

I've even had matches where I've out scored the AI by 14 only to find out my team couldn't muster a single basket and lost 15-0!!!

Much kudos to anyone that still believes that these are all just coincidence and not decided by the computer. I'd say I expected better from EA but uhhhhh.....who am I kidding?


Pro 1
I'd say I expected better from EA but uhhhhh.....who am I kidding?

That's actually key here. If you have set your bar of expectations low you don't get disappointed :)

And showdown is always a match between two people. The person that beat you by 15 while you beat them by 14 certainly played well and would be the one disappointed if it was the opposite case. EA can't make both sides win the match and both sides happy.

They have some sort of 'random difficulty setting' that may be favorable or not at times - and while that's questionable, there are some positives as well. EA doesn't want the bad players to lose all the time and quit. They don't want good players to win it all and feel no need to improve their teams. And with that it originates very different quarters instead of something like 15-4 the whole time - which would be boring.

In the long run, if you're a good player you'll still reach the desired fan counts faster than the average player.

Over 100+ games of course there are games that will be decided in the last bucket. You have pretty much the same amount of possessions of your opponent so that's always a possibility. And real Games with 48 minutes go to overtime and sometimes are decided on bad calls by refs. If most games weren't as close, they wouldn't be as entertaining as they are.

And how can you say the average AI is overpowered when you're talking about winning +14 vs +15? Surely an overpowered AI would be winning most of the matches, no?

And while you don't care about 'a slow start', I can tell you that I liked this a lot better than the start of s2. Little things like adapting your gameplay to the low stats, no-dunks for example, and go for safe lay-ups can be the difference in those close matches. And we are all competing to be slightly better than our opponent.

I also think that dub365 is right. He basically said this game is being realistic. And you're saying that this game shouldn't be realistic because people are spending money? I really don't understand this argument.


Rookie 1
Showdown is not a match between 2 people, h2h was. Most people lose more often than they win and that?s the fundamental flaw. I?d like to feel I go into a match with the expectation that I could win, but I don?t. It?s a game, it?s supposed to be fun, losing 75% of the time is not fun. It won?t be long before they offer up a couple of buzzer beater cards, how realistic is that?

P.S. I?ve lost 14 of my last 15 games


Pro 1
Showdown is not a match between 2 people, h2h was. Most people lose more often than they win and that?s the fundamental flaw. I?d like to feel I go into a match with the expectation that I could win, but I don?t. It?s a game, it?s supposed to be fun, losing 75% of the time is not fun. It won?t be long before they offer up a couple of buzzer beater cards, how realistic is that?

P.S. I?ve lost 14 of my last 15 games

And I'm 46-8 so far this SD season (and two of the losses were lost ties). What should that mean?

Regarding Buzzer beater cards, I'm being against abilities since s1, so you can count with me to criticize those whenever they think of adding them :)


Rookie 1
I'd say I expected better from EA but uhhhhh.....who am I kidding?

That's actually key here. If you have set your bar of expectations low you don't get disappointed :)

And showdown is always a match between two people. The person that beat you by 15 while you beat them by 14 certainly played well and would be the one disappointed if it was the opposite case. EA can't make both sides win the match and both sides happy.

They have some sort of 'random difficulty setting' that may be favorable or not at times - and while that's questionable, there are some positives as well. EA doesn't want the bad players to lose all the time and quit. They don't want good players to win it all and feel no need to improve their teams. And with that it originates very different quarters instead of something like 15-4 the whole time - which would be boring.

In the long run, if you're a good player you'll still reach the desired fan counts faster than the average player.

Over 100+ games of course there are games that will be decided in the last bucket. You have pretty much the same amount of possessions of your opponent so that's always a possibility. And real Games with 48 minutes go to overtime and sometimes are decided on bad calls by refs. If most games weren't as close, they wouldn't be as entertaining as they are.

And how can you say the average AI is overpowered when you're talking about winning +14 vs +15? Surely an overpowered AI would be winning most of the matches, no?

And while you don't care about 'a slow start', I can tell you that I liked this a lot better than the start of s2. Little things like adapting your gameplay to the low stats, no-dunks for example, and go for safe lay-ups can be the difference in those close matches. And we are all competing to be slightly better than our opponent.

I also think that dub365 is right. He basically said this game is being realistic. And you're saying that this game shouldn't be realistic because people are spending money? I really don't understand this argument.

I think you meant well, but you sounded just a little condescending in that post, like what an EA employee would reply to someone unhappy with the game.

Technically, it's not a match between two people. It's one part Player1 vs AI and the other Player2 vs AI. A lot of things can happen with the AI's play, and it's down to EA's inability/unwillingness to facilitate real-time play that we are mucking around with this AI crap.

This game is nowhere near realistic, unlike how some claim it to be. Everyone knows about the rebounding issue since S1, immovable players after stealing the ball, and many other problems. This season, I find they brute-force their way to the basket more often than not. Everything's based off the ovr rating and stats hardly come into play. If the shooting percentages are realistic, why is the AI not bound by the same percentages? And why would someone want to play this game and not find it boring when you are subjected to a random difficulty setting rather than your ability?

They should just remove the shot meter, because realistically, we don't shoot with a meter over our heads.
I'd say I expected better from EA but uhhhhh.....who am I kidding?

That's actually key here. If you have set your bar of expectations low you don't get disappointed :)

And how can you say the average AI is overpowered when you're talking about winning +14 vs +15? Surely an overpowered AI would be winning most of the matches, no?

And while you don't care about 'a slow start', I can tell you that I liked this a lot better than the start of s2. Little things like adapting your gameplay to the low stats, no-dunks for example, and go for safe lay-ups can be the difference in those close matches. And we are all competing to be slightly better than our opponent.

I also think that dub365 is right. He basically said this game is being realistic. And you're saying that this game shouldn't be realistic because people are spending money? I really don't understand this argument.
My expectations are getting lower and lower, believe me lol....

(about the AI)
It's RARE to dominate the AI by 14 or more points, especially when they are usually rated 2 or 3 points higher. It can happen, sure, but maybe 1/10 games, for me. Those other 9 games?? Every other one has AI that will usually NOT MISS. If they do miss, they get the rebound. It's shocking when they dont. They come crashing in out of control and make the layup, or miss and get their own rebound. They come into the paint with insane layup moves that are sometimes a travel and impossible to stop. I could go on and on. So many times the AI point guard will give it to Embiid in the backcourt and Embiid has already made up his mind that he's putting the ball in the basket even if he has to put my center into the hoop as well.

I had an instance where I blocked CP3's midrange only for the ball to go right to his teammate for a 3 lol.

Why's the AI's IQ so much higher than the IQ of my team's AI (every player that I'm not currently controlling)?

(on making it easier for bad players to win)

I'm ALL FOR "equality," (if you wanna call it that). However, I can match with the same opponent on showdown 3 times in a row, and have a 2 point OVR in their favor and maybe win one match. That's the match where their AI decides not to score a million points on me, usually. I guess I should be thankful to win one since they are 80 and I'm 78, huh? I guess so.

(on dunks and being realistic)
Why would I or anyone pay money into a game and not expect one of the basic, but also FUN aspects of the game to be hit or miss (dunks)? That's a simple aspect of the game. I've seen you say multiple times to just go for the layup, but even that isn't failproof, mate.

Lastly, I saw you posted the bball ref on on dunk %. Sure, Westbrook is 78 %. Makes sense, he goes for a power dunk more times than not instead of simple dunk. Still, 78 percent would be an improvement over what we get with elites currently and other players are much higher than what we are currently getting on WIDE OPEN dunks. How is that realistic??? Continuously missing wide open dunks is realistic?

Yep, it's reali$tic...for EA's pocket$.
Showdown is not a match between 2 people, h2h was. Most people lose more often than they win and that?s the fundamental flaw. I?d like to feel I go into a match with the expectation that I could win, but I don?t. It?s a game, it?s supposed to be fun, losing 75% of the time is not fun. It won?t be long before they offer up a couple of buzzer beater cards, how realistic is that?

P.S. I?ve lost 14 of my last 15 games

I'd say I expected better from EA but uhhhhh.....who am I kidding?

That's actually key here. If you have set your bar of expectations low you don't get disappointed :)

And showdown is always a match between two people. The person that beat you by 15 while you beat them by 14 certainly played well and would be the one disappointed if it was the opposite case. EA can't make both sides win the match and both sides happy.

They have some sort of 'random difficulty setting' that may be favorable or not at times - and while that's questionable, there are some positives as well. EA doesn't want the bad players to lose all the time and quit. They don't want good players to win it all and feel no need to improve their teams. And with that it originates very different quarters instead of something like 15-4 the whole time - which would be boring.

In the long run, if you're a good player you'll still reach the desired fan counts faster than the average player.

Over 100+ games of course there are games that will be decided in the last bucket. You have pretty much the same amount of possessions of your opponent so that's always a possibility. And real Games with 48 minutes go to overtime and sometimes are decided on bad calls by refs. If most games weren't as close, they wouldn't be as entertaining as they are.

And how can you say the average AI is overpowered when you're talking about winning +14 vs +15? Surely an overpowered AI would be winning most of the matches, no?

And while you don't care about 'a slow start', I can tell you that I liked this a lot better than the start of s2. Little things like adapting your gameplay to the low stats, no-dunks for example, and go for safe lay-ups can be the difference in those close matches. And we are all competing to be slightly better than our opponent.

I also think that dub365 is right. He basically said this game is being realistic. And you're saying that this game shouldn't be realistic because people are spending money? I really don't understand this argument.

I think you meant well, but you sounded just a little condescending in that post, like what an EA employee would reply to someone unhappy with the game.

Technically, it's not a match between two people. It's one part Player1 vs AI and the other Player2 vs AI. A lot of things can happen with the AI's play, and it's down to EA's inability/unwillingness to facilitate real-time play that we are mucking around with this AI crap.

This game is nowhere near realistic, unlike how some claim it to be. Everyone knows about the rebounding issue since S1, immovable players after stealing the ball, and many other problems. This season, I find they brute-force their way to the basket more often than not. Everything's based off the ovr rating and stats hardly come into play. If the shooting percentages are realistic, why is the AI not bound by the same percentages? And why would someone want to play this game and not find it boring when you are subjected to a random difficulty setting rather than your ability?

They should just remove the shot meter, because realistically, we don't shoot with a meter over our heads.



Pro 1
I think you meant well, but you sounded just a little condescending in that post, like what an EA employee would reply to someone unhappy with the game.

Technically, it's not a match between two people. It's one part Player1 vs AI and the other Player2 vs AI. A lot of things can happen with the AI's play, and it's down to EA's inability/unwillingness to facilitate real-time play that we are mucking around with this AI crap.

This game is nowhere near realistic, unlike how some claim it to be. Everyone knows about the rebounding issue since S1, immovable players after stealing the ball, and many other problems. This season, I find they brute-force their way to the basket more often than not. Everything's based off the ovr rating and stats hardly come into play. If the shooting percentages are realistic, why is the AI not bound by the same percentages? And why would someone want to play this game and not find it boring when you are subjected to a random difficulty setting rather than your ability?

They should just remove the shot meter, because realistically, we don't shoot with a meter over our heads.

maybe I did but I like to play the devil's advocate and that's good to prompt discussion - I do it here because I'm actually fine with pretty much what is being criticized here.

Technically it's not. But it's still your ability + your ovr + random stuff VS opponent ability + opponent ovr + random stuff

I'm not claiming the whole game is realistic. I'm trying to understand an argument 'people are paying therefore this should be different' which is not looking great to me.

I agree that the brute-force drives are questionable but you can use that in your favor as well on offense.

And you're claiming the shot AI percentages are not realistic. based on what? I think they are, but I haven't done any long-check. I did some estimates in s2 in a bit of season play and they were good enough for me to think they were realistic.

And at the end of s1 you could win 20-4 most of the time. I found that boring.


All-Star 1
Here's the thing, of you're not happy with your 3pt %, shoot mid-range jumpers. For me, mid-range is almost automatic in this game. Yeah, you're trying to get the largest point differential but if you're blasting 3's all game, you get what you get. Real life adage: "Live by the 3, die by the 3". I don't think we should have better opportunities to make deep balls bc A) it's unrealistic and B) your opponent gets the same benefit. I'd rather be able to figure out the smartest way for me to beat someone as opposed to us both just jacking 3's at 90% and having a score of 45-42


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