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Season 5 Complaint/Suggestion Thread


Rookie 1
Wow now my last week's masters can miss shots, with an animation.

What should ''Legacy'' on the newest splash-start screen mean. Is the poor thing being put down after the season

Thomas Lee

Rookie 1
Live pass point which recorded to campaign is broken? Or is it just mine?
Mine stuck at 1670 - Beal, 1630 - Redemption and 0 - Griffin
My current Live pass point is already 2300

Can anyone help with this issue? 😵


Rookie 1
I just find it annoying how some player models during in-game matches don't reflect what is on their player cards. I am particularly fond of Jordan Clarkson's Utah Jazz look, so I was excited when I got him during the East vs West event. To my (terrible) surprise, the one I use during in-game matches is his rookie version. Even his number was the same as when he was still a rookie. I just feel cheated out of what I really want, and my confidence in EA to produce accurate player models has dwindled to a considerable extent. It's like getting a prime Kobe player card (#24), but using rookie Kobe (#8, with the afro) instead of when you expect to use the prime Kobe (#24, black mamba) during matches.

Also don't like how some players are whitewashed and looks completely like another person. One glaring example is KD looking smaller in the game, as if he was just Kyrie or something. Or how Tacko's number is his G league number and he has no sleeves. I've never seen Tacko play without sleeves.


Rookie 1
I started playing this winter/ spring. After a short ened season, I am stuck with a 108ovr multiyear, against 115ovrs in showdown/ arena.
With that in mind, I've been saving coins, with idea to if still playing, at least be able to buy best players later in the season. I have close to 50M now.

-I believe that the game noted that about my account, and is somehow ''ghosting'' me in auction house, not allowing me to hoard more coins. I put up 87 players at starting price as low as 199k, and I get no bids. I see them going for 1M+.
Either that or auction houses have been reset to old absurd ''system''. But I'd say not, because I've sold some 85 players for ~100k, couple jerseys cheap, tokens for 2k...

If it turns out my paranoia is real and EA is really manipulating this as well. That would be purely criminal and I will do all possible to have them punished as much for it. Even if that would mean like discounting mobile game alltogether, I know I sound delusional but each day I feel sick and f*d on every corner playing this little con art of a game....


Rookie 1
I started playing this winter/ spring. After a short ened season, I am stuck with a 108ovr multiyear, against 115ovrs in showdown/ arena.
With that in mind, I've been saving coins, with idea to if still playing, at least be able to buy best players later in the season. I have close to 50M now.

-I believe that the game noted that about my account, and is somehow ''ghosting'' me in auction house, not allowing me to hoard more coins. I put up 87 players at starting price as low as 199k, and I get no bids. I see them going for 1M+.
Either that or auction houses have been reset to old absurd ''system''. But I'd say not, because I've sold some 85 players for ~100k, couple jerseys cheap, tokens for 2k...

If it turns out my paranoia is real and EA is really manipulating this as well. That would be purely criminal and I will do all possible to have them punished as much for it. Even if that would mean like discounting mobile game alltogether, I know I sound delusional but each day I feel sick and f*d on every corner playing this little con art of a game....
The auction house has been broken for years now. My 87s and 86s won't sell either. But I keep putting them on AH for 101 bid and 999999999 buy now. My 85 bird sold for 625k after a month so that's something.


Rookie 1
Won 5/6 showdown games, need 1 more for 250 MM emblems (only way to earn them now :))
Leading 9-0. Put it on autoplay (I couldn't give less _ about showdown leveling up). My team is 108, opponent is 105.
A little over a minute till the end.
Can you guess the final score? :)



Rookie 3
Great, server maintenance and I can’t log in anymore. Just after I bought premium pass too. Same old shit, just another season.

anyone else constantly getting the “unknown error” when trying to login?


All-Star 1
Great, server maintenance and I can’t log in anymore. Just after I bought premium pass too. Same old shit, just another season.

anyone else constantly getting the “unknown error” when trying to login?
Seems to be a regional issue but widespread


Rookie 1
I haven't managed to auction off a player in 3-4 weeks.
I've been putting up 20+ players 85-90 OVR, 2 times a day. No bids.

-Last night I bought golden Bird from AH, also, the first time I bought a player in few months.
-I sold ~10 players today...

As if, your auctions get hidden, if you don't buy players yourself....


Rookie 1
New Decades scam is just repainted Thanksgiving. So not even 1 sub-master possible without breaking the bank.
I am not getting any more ads/ stamina after 5 events.
So I had time to send out some emails.

I believe I elaborated a few good arguments on why players syndicate should be concerned, about their own brands being (ab)used.
Lol. Let's see if I get ''Hi this is Chris''.
Last edited:


Rookie 1
Re number of players left in this game.

-Last season I could sell all unwanted MMaster players, while it was even easier obtaining them. I have many leftover players from last season, 0 MM players.

This season. Vast majority of players can obtain 1 MM player, people from my League complaining being hard to pull 60k for even that 1. -I have 2 MM players I can't even sell (PG, Vleet). I tried 101-99999999, I tried manually setting prices just a bit under current asked prices I tried offering them quite cheaper.

-There is no one to buy at any price, no one left playing....


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