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Season 5 Complaint/Suggestion Thread


All-Star 1
I just wish they would let the 5 clutch players bs die already
I assume you're referring to Arena. But there's no point in playing it right now so why would it matter? No worthwhile rewards for wins or tournaments. Instead you have to make a daily leaderboard by doing something ridiculous like shooting midrange shots. And then you need to make the leaderboard everyday for a couple weeks in order for your tokens to get you anything decent.

Honestly, this may be one of their dumbest ideas to date. Compete against other players but "don't worry about winning".....?TF is that all about? Oh, by the way .... You'll have to wait a couple minutes to get a matchup with someone you won't be competing against. Lol. They should've just compiled daily stats from all modes and made leaderboards for whatever stat they choose for a given day. And after 5 tourneys it'll cost you CASH, not coins, but CASH if you wish to play more.



Rookie 2
I assume you're referring to Arena. But there's no point in playing it right now so why would it matter? No worthwhile rewards for wins or tournaments. Instead you have to make a daily leaderboard by doing something ridiculous like shooting midrange shots. And then you need to make the leaderboard everyday for a couple weeks in order for your tokens to get you anything decent.

Honestly, this may be one of their dumbest ideas to date. Compete against other players but "don't worry about winning".....?TF is that all about? Oh, by the way .... You'll have to wait a couple minutes to get a matchup with someone you won't be competing against. Lol. They should've just compiled daily stats from all modes and made leaderboards for whatever stat they choose for a given day. And after 5 tourneys it'll cost you CASH, not coins, but CASH if you wish to play more.

I agree. Not playing that crap mode called Arena. Shot mechanic is broken and OVR's don't matter.2 minutes to connect and I take a leak I get disconnected.


Rookie 1
Compliant. Where do I start.

1. quality of players are just bad, I’m convinced gold players from previous seasons can beat elites. These player miss wide open shots, air ball lay ups, and brick dunks.

2. arena was great how it use to be. Free mode to play. Now all I do is play for ties.
2 pointers suck I swear the counter is off.
3 pointers ok
Dunks are easy.
Although don’t use any of the scrubs from season 5

3. shodown, season, pvp. It’s nice to grind for something although doing all of that for what. 88 stou amare is a 89 if you complete everything. By the time you get those players they are worthless. Abilities or something special would make some people grind.

4. The store sucks, nothing to buy players

5. Fix the bugs. The worst is the shot clock bug, 24 seconds every now and then it is 10 seconds.

6. 0 competition in league because everyone is getting tired of how horrible a game this is becoming.

7. Why tweak the trade sets, ea just made any card under a 77 useless really. Plus I would never use a trade set unless unactionable.

8. does EA know simple math. The fan favorite was basically the worst ever. 60 emblems xs 50k is 3 million coins. Just for one 85. ( although I did a lot of sniping and got oj) .

9 STOP WITH the 100 stamina killer. No one likes that. Unless it is like season 4 simulation.

10. try to at least explain stuff like the damn boosts. I kinda have figured it out, but wtf it’s not that hard to type something up, post it on your website, or even just upload something in the new letter.

My suggestion start listening to what everyone likes.

my only though someone at ea got fired and have no clue what they are doing and are remodeling the game how they like it.


Rookie 1
Btw forgot the worst complaint.

unreal events.

im sorry the David Robinson, is just a stamina killer for a 80 overall. (Spoiler cousy is the next one)

score 4 points In 10 seconds that one was hard, but 100 stamina.

The worst was 25 points in 90 seconds.
Why because dribble king Derrick rose runs off 12 seconds every time. You can’t even let him score to get the ball back quick. Then you get into the quality of players they miss OPEN shots.

if ea thinks that was fair, just look up how many active members you have. See how many played that event. I will say less than 10% probally won that event, but wait, you still have three more events to do, so now it is probally 4% got that player. Although it gets better he is not Auctionable.

Just to make you feel better, EA drops sixth man Bill Walton at the same position same kind of line up and he is 2 levels higher.
Thanks for your hard work from ea that you grinder so hard for.
I don't hate this season. I took a long break during Season 4 so grinding the game is fresh to me. I do wish they could come up with different ways to do promos instead of the same repeated blitz events. I don't like the way they try to limit your progress either through timers and high stamina costs. The first couple of promos were all right, but you can tell that as the OVR starts to rise it's going to be increasingly difficult for f2p to complete the masters.

Shorter promos are okay, I suppose, but they will likely lead to more mediocre fill-in promos where there's not a lot to do. The only competitive game play I do anymore is LvL. I wish there were better rewards for league play, but that boat sailed a long time ago. It's not much fun building a team for the sake of it without playing competitively, but unless they bring back the old style Showdown rewards I can't see myself grinding H2H.


Rookie 1
Can I add - having to do the picnic challenge again and again with the only 78 in my lineups, my Tipoff PG? Is that a petulant complaint? G-A lays so many bricks they should call him "The Mason".

Death to the picnic challenge!


Rookie 1
Can I add what is now the worse thing ever in the world.

bait and switch
Aka nba all star players that have the blue goat all got nerfed to a gold.

so now what was is saying if I ever grind for a player there is a possibility it will be changed later. If your going to do that, what is the point anymore of trying to get a player except for the name.

now I’m wondering is my other players going to be nerfed, what about my Latino booker or my 6th men.

im so glad I passed on the all star, and just bought lebron to later resell him for more.

not to mention giving away the top player for campaigns then after a hour you can’t get him. Which gives everyone else a advantage. What about the people that did not get him.


All-Star 1
Well he got banded from the official EA discord for complaining about nerfing 5 cards without compensation.
I think it says a LOT about their operation and M.O., that on the same day, they made a News post in-game about changing MM points going forward but couldn't say anything at all about nerfing all the AS cards (and doing much more than we were led to believe would happen).


Pro 2
I think it says a LOT about their operation and M.O., that on the same day, they made a News post in-game about changing MM points going forward but couldn't say anything at all about nerfing all the AS cards (and doing much more than we were led to believe would happen).
It felt like the mods were just waiting. I made a comment something like - “this is bait and switch. This is a class action.” Something like that. Instantly banned. Literally instantly. But when they announced the nerf initially people were allowed to go nuts and there were several overt threats of litigation and nothing happened. No mods in sight. Beyond disgusting. The whole thing. At every level.


All-Star 1

Don't let us grind, use NBA Cash, or otherwise attempt to obtain items that are broken.

The premium LP jersey and court don't do shit. I just checked every possible way and combination. Obv not just a visual bug bc my OVR goes down when I have all 10 playstyle matches and I try to use these instead of even a gold boost court or Jersey. Thanks as usual EA 👎




All-Star 3

Don't let us grind, use NBA Cash, or otherwise attempt to obtain items that are broken.

The premium LP jersey and court don't do shit. I just checked every possible way and combination. Obv not just a visual bug bc my OVR goes down when I have all 10 playstyle matches and I try to use these instead of even a gold boost court or Jersey. Thanks as usual EA 👎

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Heard something like it gives boost only to strategic players in specific positions


Pro 2
Heard something like it gives boost only to strategic players in specific positions
Here’s what it really is. Mav’s jersey matches power but gives no boost - team or position. Mav’s court give no boost to any Gamestyle and is supposed to match power but matches only strategic. So, no boosts from either and court matches wrong gamestyle.


Rookie 1

Don't let us grind, use NBA Cash, or otherwise attempt to obtain items that are broken.

The premium LP jersey and court don't do shit. I just checked every possible way and combination. Obv not just a visual bug bc my OVR goes down when I have all 10 playstyle matches and I try to use these instead of even a gold boost court or Jersey. Thanks as usual EA 👎

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View attachment 5673
I experienced it too unfortunately. Ea really dont gi** a f*** something anyway have a good day


All-Star 1
Here’s what it really is. Mav’s jersey matches power but gives no boost - team or position. Mav’s court give no boost to any Gamestyle and is supposed to match power but matches only strategic. So, no boosts from either and court matches wrong gamestyle.
I was tempted to ask for some $ back but I know that's a lost cause. I hate these schmucks but it's still my own damn fault for continuing down this road to madness.


Pro 1
Here’s what it really is. Mav’s jersey matches power but gives no boost - team or position. Mav’s court give no boost to any Gamestyle and is supposed to match power but matches only strategic. So, no boosts from either and court matches wrong gamestyle.
How do we know what it is supposed to match? Is there a list somewhere?


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