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Rookies Lottery unlock time


Rookie 1
The ?rookies lottery? event unlocks at 3am (CEST) for me , I was wondering for how long it remains open?! Anyone knows?


Rookie 1
This event should really last longer, no reason for it to only be available for one hour when it's only once per day.
4am for me but I'm waking up at 3:20am to watch the Eagles vs falcons game so I'll be up. It's days like this I miss being back home in the U.S.


Rookie 3
I had 2 go pee pee @ 4am so was fairly lucky 2 pick up 6silver + 3gold balls..
But this could be every 12hrs, not every 24...


All-Star 1
I had 2 go pee pee @ 4am so was fairly lucky 2 pick up 6silver + 3gold balls..
But this could be every 12hrs, not every 24...

Lol...last night I had a few cocktails and forgot about the event. I caught it with 15s remaining. Then (because of the cocktails) I lost the first try! After realizing I would still get another chance, I sobered up real quick to finish it. Crazy what this game does to us.


Pro 1
I had 2 go pee pee @ 4am so was fairly lucky 2 pick up 6silver + 3gold balls..
But this could be every 12hrs, not every 24...

Lol...last night I had a few cocktails and forgot about the event. I caught it with 15s remaining. Then (because of the cocktails) I lost the first try! After realizing I would still get another chance, I sobered up real quick to finish it. Crazy what this game does to us.


And am I supposed to wake up at 2 am to do this? Is this the China-USA war coming down on Europe or something? :lol:


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