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Rerolled the same hero. WTF EA?


Rookie 1
I just got completed my 2nd hero set, and got trash Andrew Wiggins 82. So I spenk 20k on set items and rerolled him because I already have an 83 Gordan Hayward in front of him. So I open the reroll and I got Andrew Wiggins again? WTF is this shit EA. You just robbed me of 20k. I?m reporting this.


All-Star 1
Reporting what? Lol, it's an algorithm dude. It's like rolling dice. No one told you to take the risk. Every player is a possibility, even the one you put in the set.
Lol you have a higher chance of pulling duplicates since the chances of pulling an 83+ is slim. I've done the re-roll 5 times now and haven't pulled anything over 82ovr so the chances of duplicates is pretty high.
You're in the reroll cycle now my man, gonna have to try again. I rerolled a duplicate that came from the set and 82 Aldridge turned into 84 Simmons, so it's worth it.


Rookie 3
Staff member
I got Andrew twice in a row too, after the re-roll... however on the third go, got Simmons 84.
I?ve done the reroll 7 times.

I?ve pulled 2 83s and an 84, had one straight dupe another eventual dupe when I started and ended with the same player.

It?s a fun set and only costs 10k.


Rookie 1
This set is rigged smh. I was using it first time AFTER I got myself 2 hero PF and hero C + claimed hero Wilt.
and it gave me 10 times in a row either PF or C (the positions I had stacked) so I lost around 200K. Finally i was able to get reroll with Mitchell. No way this kind of probability can happen to pull that many times in a row positions I didnt need.
good example of this was QJB video where he was getting Wiggins so many times.
EA should stop this kind of dirty tricks somehow... or think how their userbase may suffer if this is "unlucky" situation which develops without their involvement.


All-Star 1
This set is rigged smh. I was using it first time AFTER I got myself 2 hero PF and hero C + claimed hero Wilt.
and it gave me 10 times in a row either PF or C (the positions I had stacked) so I lost around 200K. Finally i was able to get reroll with Mitchell. No way this kind of probability can happen to pull that many times in a row positions I didnt need.
good example of this was QJB video where he was getting Wiggins so many times.
EA should stop this kind of dirty tricks somehow... or think how their userbase may suffer if this is "unlucky" situation which develops without their involvement.
I think you better research how a RNG works. And based on what we've seen so far from the EA devs, "randomizing" based on what's currently in your inventory to screw you out of a better pull is likely above their pay grade. The simple fact of the matter is they've put different odds on certain players based on their OVR so pulling anything above an 82 is significantly less likely. Add to that fact that each re-roll is mutually exclusive to the previous one and voila...


Rookie 1
I emailed EA support and they said they can't do anything, although the customer rep said he thought the description of the set is misleading. Worth a shot.


NBA Legend
Staff member
Community Chief
I emailed EA support and they said they can't do anything, although the customer rep said he thought the description of the set is misleading. Worth a shot.

No reason to do that as pulling the same player is not a real issue 82s are more likely to be pulled then 83, 84, or 85 and you're wasting your time for another reason by talking to customer support they have no idea what goes on in this game and they could care less because they have no authority over what happens and can only compensate with measly pro packs almost always only 1 pro pack
I emailed EA support and they said they can't do anything, although the customer rep said he thought the description of the set is misleading. Worth a shot.

No reason to do that as pulling the same player is not a real issue 82s are more likely to be pulled then 83, 84, or 85 and you're wasting your time for another reason by talking to customer support they have no idea what goes on in this game and they could care less because they have no authority over what happens and can only compensate with measly pro packs almost always only 1 pro pack

Oh wow, I'm surprised they tried to compensate with that much. I wonder how it'd go if you told them keep the pro pack, it does no good. Give me 1K cash for my inconvenience!! (Not for the reroll, but an actual issue that they screwed you over on lol)

I emailed them about something a month ago and it was indeed a total waste, and I didn't even get a pro pack lol.


Rookie 1
This set is rigged smh. I was using it first time AFTER I got myself 2 hero PF and hero C + claimed hero Wilt.
and it gave me 10 times in a row either PF or C (the positions I had stacked) so I lost around 200K. Finally i was able to get reroll with Mitchell. No way this kind of probability can happen to pull that many times in a row positions I didnt need.
good example of this was QJB video where he was getting Wiggins so many times.
EA should stop this kind of dirty tricks somehow... or think how their userbase may suffer if this is "unlucky" situation which develops without their involvement.
I think you better research how a RNG works. And based on what we've seen so far from the EA devs, "randomizing" based on what's currently in your inventory to screw you out of a better pull is likely above their pay grade. The simple fact of the matter is they've put different odds on certain players based on their OVR so pulling anything above an 82 is significantly less likely. Add to that fact that each re-roll is mutually exclusive to the previous one and voila...
Oh yes and in previous seasons that elusive Supremacy/Royalty tokens were so hard to pull because they were fair RNG? With EA not buying this RNG fairness stuff.
This set is rigged smh. I was using it first time AFTER I got myself 2 hero PF and hero C + claimed hero Wilt.
and it gave me 10 times in a row either PF or C (the positions I had stacked) so I lost around 200K. Finally i was able to get reroll with Mitchell. No way this kind of probability can happen to pull that many times in a row positions I didnt need.
good example of this was QJB video where he was getting Wiggins so many times.
EA should stop this kind of dirty tricks somehow... or think how their userbase may suffer if this is "unlucky" situation which develops without their involvement.
I think you better research how a RNG works. And based on what we've seen so far from the EA devs, "randomizing" based on what's currently in your inventory to screw you out of a better pull is likely above their pay grade. The simple fact of the matter is they've put different odds on certain players based on their OVR so pulling anything above an 82 is significantly less likely. Add to that fact that each re-roll is mutually exclusive to the previous one and voila...
Oh yes and in previous seasons that elusive Supremacy/Royalty tokens were so hard to pull because they were fair RNG? With EA not buying this RNG fairness stuff.

Some people got luck, others not. That's how it works. I get Royalty Lebron last season after 3 weeks. In season 1 I tried for months to get those KD/Lebron and I was unlucky.
Rerolled 2x got CP3 85ovr.

It does seem like the 2nd reroll is the one that does well. I'm glad to see CP3 is possible, because my best reroll after 2 tries has been simmons and mitchell, both not too shabby.

I was sooooo heated when i built the hero set, and it spits out the center i already have backing wilt up, then i do the reroll and gives me the exact same card lmfao. I get the chances are what the chances are, but it still feels like a smack to the face lol. Dragged myself to spend 20K more coins and got Simmons which helped a lot.
I seem to have the worst luck! I've done the Hero set 6 times and the re-roll set 8 times now, that's a total of 14 attempts and haven't pulled any hero over 82ovr! I keep getting the same 82 heros over and over! I'd eat Oprah's booty for an 83+ at this point!


All-Star 1
This set is rigged smh. I was using it first time AFTER I got myself 2 hero PF and hero C + claimed hero Wilt.
and it gave me 10 times in a row either PF or C (the positions I had stacked) so I lost around 200K. Finally i was able to get reroll with Mitchell. No way this kind of probability can happen to pull that many times in a row positions I didnt need.
good example of this was QJB video where he was getting Wiggins so many times.
EA should stop this kind of dirty tricks somehow... or think how their userbase may suffer if this is "unlucky" situation which develops without their involvement.
I think you better research how a RNG works. And based on what we've seen so far from the EA devs, "randomizing" based on what's currently in your inventory to screw you out of a better pull is likely above their pay grade. The simple fact of the matter is they've put different odds on certain players based on their OVR so pulling anything above an 82 is significantly less likely. Add to that fact that each re-roll is mutually exclusive to the previous one and voila...
Oh yes and in previous seasons that elusive Supremacy/Royalty tokens were so hard to pull because they were fair RNG? With EA not buying this RNG fairness stuff.

?Fair? is a different issue altogether. For all we know the chance of getting a Lakers of Celtics token in s2 was .001%. I never said they were playing fair. Haha


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