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PvP beta and update details


All-Star 1
No manual switching kind of takes the thrill out of it a bit. Not that I use manual switching but you would figure that to be the true PvP experience.
It's more of a bummer for players who only use manual. Gives an instant advantage to those who use auto. At least they're trying to work out the kinks BEFORE S4 starts. That's promising


Pro 2
Yup, going auto is like trying to throw with my non-dominant hand. I can do it but it doesn't look pretty, lol
I just “practiced” in auto against a 109 in SD and got demolished. I kept trying to pound a button that wasn’t there. 🙄 have to get used to auto switch mismatches and make the best of it. I’m gonna miss out on a lot of tipped or intercepted passes now.


All-Star 1
I just “practiced” in auto against a 109 in SD and got demolished. I kept trying to pound a button that wasn’t there. 🙄 have to get used to auto switch mismatches and make the best of it. I’m gonna miss out on a lot of tipped or intercepted passes now.
I'm not gonna worry about it too much because it's gonna be a completely different ballgame anyway. Won't be able to take advantage of the things we've grown accustomed to playing against AI. Should be a good challenge if they can get it stable and playable


Pro 2
The upside is ai shooting is so jacked up now that it’s gotta be better than a live player on the other side.


All-Star 1
Need to win 600 tournaments to get Rose(based on what was shown- 5 tokens per tournament won). If you can do that, I'd say you probably have a team good enough that you can't/ wouldn't use Rose.


Pro 1
Need to win 600 tournaments to get Rose(based on what was shown- 5 tokens per tournament won). If you can do that, I'd say you probably have a team good enough that you can't/ wouldn't use Rose.
Yeah, they’re out of their minds for that. Should be a 110 player.


Rookie 1
Doesn't it defeat the purpose of the whole PVP thing is there is NO option for Manual gameplay?? basically auto with your AI playing? should be manual vs manual might as well go all out and give us all the controls.

HMMM but damnn this is def very interesting cant wait to try it out.. :) :)
So basically the beta mode is the same as Showdown ? It’s not a real tournament as such. You just okay until you get 5 wins or 2 loses against anyone you match up with.


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