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Platinum Players.


Rookie 1
I'm hoping there is going to be a pack drop like the end of last season to be able to pick up some platinum players and finish these Pantheon sets.
At the moment it's impossible to complete these sets with 95's at 2.5M+ and no source of pulling/grinding cards.

Supply and Demand - and the supply is drying up.


All-Star 3
Yup.. have tokens for all the pantheon players. But platinums too costly.. most likely will just complete one.. want AD.. 60 shards is going to be tough


Rookie 2
How do you get more shards? This is the last 2 weeks of showdown right? I only have 48 and really want that AD. But am not gonna spend money on that Showdown Fast Pass Bundle at the store.


NBA Legend
Staff member
Community Chief
How do you get more shards? This is the last 2 weeks of showdown right? I only have 48 and really want that AD. But am not gonna spend money on that Showdown Fast Pass Bundle at the store.

Other then grinding SD your SOL I have like 5 I wanted AD so bad but last week I used all my shards to roll for DJ because I wanted to get at least 1 Titan and now I have a 100 DJ I stead of a 105 AD because they didn't make packs for shards smfh I can reach 60 on my other team but it would require me to spend all my coins on the platinum players for the set


All-Star 3
How do you get more shards? This is the last 2 weeks of showdown right? I only have 48 and really want that AD. But am not gonna spend money on that Showdown Fast Pass Bundle at the store.

Other then grinding SD your SOL I have like 5 I wanted AD so bad but last week I used all my shards to roll for DJ because I wanted to get at least 1 Titan and now I have a 100 DJ I stead of a 105 AD because they didn't make packs for shards smfh I can reach 60 on my other team but it would require me to spend all my coins on the platinum players for the set
Exact same position stewie... assuming there is one more season of sd.. but I doubt that will be enuf to get the 60 too.. lets hope


NBA Legend
Staff member
Community Chief
How do you get more shards? This is the last 2 weeks of showdown right? I only have 48 and really want that AD. But am not gonna spend money on that Showdown Fast Pass Bundle at the store.

Other then grinding SD your SOL I have like 5 I wanted AD so bad but last week I used all my shards to roll for DJ because I wanted to get at least 1 Titan and now I have a 100 DJ I stead of a 105 AD because they didn't make packs for shards smfh I can reach 60 on my other team but it would require me to spend all my coins on the platinum players for the set
Exact same position stewie... assuming there is one more season of sd.. but I doubt that will be enuf to get the 60 too.. lets hope

Even with 1 more season no way for me to get him unless they make some way to get a shit ton of them he is my #1 NBA PF option and 101 Markkanen is my 2nd but I'm not paying 40+ mil for it I have about 40 mil and 6 UL plats ready for whatever card I want wether Pantheon or Rewind or any new type of program but honestly AD is the only one I want that I haven't built already (built and sold T Mac)


Rookie 2
Other then grinding SD your SOL I have like 5 I wanted AD so bad but last week I used all my shards to roll for DJ because I wanted to get at least 1 Titan and now I have a 100 DJ I stead of a 105 AD because they didn't make packs for shards smfh I can reach 60 on my other team but it would require me to spend all my coins on the platinum players for the set
Exact same position stewie... assuming there is one more season of sd.. but I doubt that will be enuf to get the 60 too.. lets hope

Even with 1 more season no way for me to get him unless they make some way to get a shit ton of them he is my #1 NBA PF option and 101 Markkanen is my 2nd but I'm not paying 40+ mil for it I have about 40 mil and 6 UL plats ready for whatever card I want wether Pantheon or Rewind or any new type of program but honestly AD is the only one I want that I haven't built already (built and sold T Mac)

I thought Bogdanovic is the last SD season? If there?s another one after Boban then surely I can get AD. I already have 48 and with the NBA legends tier which rewards 5 Shards I will only be 7 shards away from him. I got plenty of Plats on hand.


Rookie 3
Staff member
The only recent card art that I?ve found appealing has been the Certified KG 102.


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