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PF recommendations?


Rookie 1
Hello everybody,
Greetings to all of you.
Happy to join this forum by the way ~

I make this thread for answers, opinions and questions.

Whatever, It's okay.
Talk about anything ~


But first of all, let's me ask about some best Power Forward players on game have you used ?!
For now I use Bagley III 101 OVR (Mobile Madness) with +2 speed boost and in the pain ability but I think need to replace with the more powerful one, so let me know your PF player have you used so far ......

Thanks before.
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NBA Legend
Staff member
Community Chief
Welcome but I ask you make a title with some kind of idea what your thread is about with "dunk!" As your title no one knows what to expect before opening it up so just give me an informative title and I will change it for you


Rookie 1
Welcome but I ask you make a title with some kind of idea what your thread is about with "dunk!" As your title no one knows what to expect before opening it up so just give me an informative title and I will change it for you

sounds good,
I think "please recommendation PF have you used" it suit for the title.
Please change it for me.
101 Bagley easily boosts to a 102 so if an upgrade is what you need then go for a 103ovr if you have enough coins. Check the AH and see what 103 you can afford. If you can't afford a 103 then there are plenty of 102s that boost to a 103. Maybe check Horry with the boost.


Rookie 1
101 Bagley easily boosts to a 102 so if an upgrade is what you need then go for a 103ovr if you have enough coins. Check the AH and see what 103 you can afford. If you can't afford a 103 then there are plenty of 102s that boost to a 103. Maybe check Horry with the boost.

Yeah I agree but I no have more coins again to get horry with the boost and clucth ability, it's expensive but maybe I can go with horry 102 with no clucth.


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