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OVR importance


Pro 1
Hi there

When I first noticed that green sentence in the beginning of each Showdown game, stating something like "there's a 5% advantage" i thought it was just stating the difference in ovr between teams. Well, it turns out it's actually adding a bonus to the team with the highest ovr, on top of the already existing difference.

Right? Am I missing something?

If this is correct, it's probably a smart way to keep the game from "staling".


All-Star 3
Huh? ..the higher ovr team gets an offensive and defensive advantage.. easier to steal/tighter ai defense etc


Rookie 1
Hi there

When I first noticed that green sentence in the beginning of each Showdown game, stating something like "there's a 5% advantage" i thought it was just stating the difference in ovr between teams. Well, it turns out it's actually adding a bonus to the team with the highest ovr, on top of the already existing difference.

Right? Am I missing something?

If this is correct, it's probably a smart way to keep the game from "staling".

Not to sound harsh, but I think everyone knew that...


Rookie 1
WTF I just noticed that they increased the disadvantages. It used to be if it was +1 and +2 ovr higher the disadvantage was 2%, now its 4% wow.


NBA Legend
Staff member
Community Chief
WTF I just noticed that they increased the disadvantages. It used to be if it was +1 and +2 ovr higher the disadvantage was 2%, now its 4% wow.

I said that before but it was brought to my attention that it's possibly a glitch when reaching a new overall I personally still think it's the new standard though


Rookie 1
WTF I just noticed that they increased the disadvantages. It used to be if it was +1 and +2 ovr higher the disadvantage was 2%, now its 4% wow.

I said that before but it was brought to my attention that it's possibly a glitch when reaching a new overall I personally still think it's the new standard though

I just did some more tests and its only in the nba lineup, +1 and +2 are treated the same as a 4% advantage/disadvantage.

EDIT: Theres no disadvantage to the AI tho, it plays the same as if they were the higher ovr with the advantage, wtf smh.


Pro 1
WTF I just noticed that they increased the disadvantages. It used to be if it was +1 and +2 ovr higher the disadvantage was 2%, now its 4% wow.

66RuckerPark, you just reached 99ovr in the line-up that gives you the 4pct dis/advantages didn't you? while keeping a 98ovr or below in the other.

4% dis/advantage is the standard for 99ovr+ for a while. Not a glitch of reaching that ovr. It's just a thing we only can notice when we reach that ovr.


Pro 1
Wow, i completely forgot about this post and read all answers just now :(

Thanks. All answers very helpful, even the "harsher" ones hehe (i'd recently found about this and was trying to get more info on it).


Pro 1
Is there a way to verify the boosts/penalties provided to the players? Some ingame screen that i?m somehow missing, maybe?


Pro 1
Also, am i correct to assume that a 15% boost would take a 100 rating (for any given stat) to 115? Does this apply before or after other boosts?


Rookie 1
Also, am i correct to assume that a 15% boost would take a 100 rating (for any given stat) to 115? Does this apply before or after other boosts?
Math seems correct there. I would guess after other boosts as those are figured into your ovr. This is just my guess.


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