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Next promo?


Pro 2
Looks like Brian is done giving hints because he can't tell the difference from "here's what it is" and "I love this promo and you will too" View attachment 1804

I was just going to post this. I went off on this guy multiple times on Reddit. (I know, I’m not alone). He is arrogant as hell, clueless to player experience and expectations, vindictive (I believe his SD Master deal was a response to the criticism over the Bulls campaign, my speculation) and a general all-around 😿. Some people’s employers shouldn’t let their employees on Twitter. You’d think this guy might recognize we pay his salary, not EA.

Rumor on the street is a Shaq Master coming tomorrow. But then that comes from the man, the myth, the legend, the god of math for the lazy and slow of mind — Reddit Barry.


NBA Legend
Staff member
Community Chief
I was just going to post this. I went off on this guy multiple times on Reddit. (I know, I’m not alone). He is arrogant as hell, clueless to player experience and expectations, vindictive (I believe his SD Master deal was a response to the criticism over the Bulls campaign, my speculation) and a general all-around 😿. Some people’s employers shouldn’t let their employees on Twitter. You’d think this guy might recognize we pay his salary, not EA.

Rumor on the street is a Shaq Master coming tomorrow. But then that comes from the man, the myth, the legend, the god of math for the lazy and slow of mind — Reddit Barry.
Yeah if he learned how to release content without pretending that it's something bigger than it is (they hyped up the Bulls campaign like it was a full on promo not a just ok at best campaign) then everything in that regard would be ok but no he can't help but make things seem bigger and fresher than they truly are


Pro 2
You have to choose one Master. Then you can power up to 107 **if** you complete the milestones. Get to pick position.

As if the golden ticket and OOP giants at pg weren’t enough trouble, now I’ll be facing two more giants at pg. ugh.


Pro 2
And I’m “ “ this close to nabbing 110 Magic.

This is a tough call. Yao Def @ Center but Boost is post (yuck). Shaq Def at pf with +4 Def RB. Shaq Balanced at Center w +4 Off RB. Go with a balanced Center or Def pf. Shoot.

Hopefully we can see in sets the fully boosted number per position before we have to pick the master.
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Pro 1
So, is the only known thing that there’s no 107+ PF?
Is it starting today?
EDIT: please forget or delete this (wrote it before seeing TomH posts)


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