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NBA Legend
Staff member
Community Chief
Looks like Brian is done giving hints because he can't tell the difference from "here's what it is" and "I love this promo and you will too"


NBA Legend
Staff member
Community Chief
This may sound dumb but in the future I'd like a boost item master where you create your own boost item where there's a base item for each style and you do sets to reach up to platinum then sets to choose which boosts you want and then they have a master player preferably a PF to do the same thing it would work nicely with Pop and Aldridge or Casey and Griffin

I'm always hoping for customizable not "here's the cards and you can choose if you want to put an ability on them" but we haven't had the ability to choose from several versions of the same player with differing styles all year if you don't count the Finals and MM promos where the sets were extremely hard to complete to give you that choice


Rookie 1
I like it.....some sort of choose your own adventure sorta thing.

Basically you build a master

At Milestone W select a player/postion. (from say 3-5 players)
X select the play style you want for them.
Y select a boost (from that style - 3 choices)
Z select an ability

I'm not sure if this would cause any issues as far as their programming as technically you would have a lot of possible combinations but it sure would make the game more interesting....instead of every player has +3 of this boost, and 2 point clutch you could have the same player with different boosts and abilities.


NBA Legend
Staff member
Community Chief
I like it.....some sort of choose your own adventure sorta thing.

Basically you build a master

At Milestone W select a player/postion. (from say 3-5 players)
X select the play style you want for them.
Y select a boost (from that style - 3 choices)
Z select an ability

I'm not sure if this would cause any issues as far as their programming as technically you would have a lot of possible combinations but it sure would make the game more interesting....instead of every player has +3 of this boost, and 2 point clutch you could have the same player with different boosts and abilities.
Yeah I've been asking for customizable cards for 3 years obviously you wouldn't be able to customize it to the extent of GTs but more customization than just choosing a style or if you want the card to have a predetermined boost and/or ability


Rookie 1
Could make for an intriguing opener to S4.....your Draft pick is your player and you build them from there....style, boost and ability.

I realize boosts and abilities typically don't show up for 3 months or so...but why the heck not go big for S4.


Pro 2
Yeah I've been asking for customizable cards for 3 years obviously you wouldn't be able to customize it to the extent of GTs but more customization than just choosing a style or if you want the card to have a predetermined boost and/or ability

But EA knows best. lolol


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