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next monthly master?


NBA Legend
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Community Chief
That’s an objective viewpoint. I’m thinking entirely subjectively and selfishly.
Oh I perfectly understand that and many will think the same way in your circumstance hell you built all 10 Shaq week promo masters in a day at that rate nothing will satisfy me with this game


Rookie 1
It is going to be a PF (if it is a 110) so P2W can build a full 110 lineup early. Magic, Harden, Kawhi, 110 PF, Shaq
If it is 109 then probably SF


NBA Legend
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Community Chief
It is going to be a PF (if it is a 110) so P2W can build a full 110 lineup early. Magic, Harden, Kawhi, 110 PF, Shaq
If it is 109 then probably SF
Nobody is building a lineup like that because even the biggest spenders are stuck at 1 Daily Beats 110 player


NBA Legend
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Community Chief
After finding out it's Dr. J (not sure where everyone is getting 109) I would've rather had a redo of Bird lol


Pro 2
After finding out it's Dr. J (not sure where everyone is getting 109) I would've rather had a redo of Bird lol

Ugh. Hey let’s have back to back “watch me dunk” cards! I know Carter is more than just that, but the archetypes, if true to how Dr. J played, would be the same.


NBA Legend
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Community Chief
Ugh. Hey let’s have back to back “watch me dunk” cards! I know Carter is more than just that, but the archetypes, if true to how Dr. J played, would be the same.
Boosts and abilities may be the same as well with better defense and worse shooting but the 3 most obvious choices for boost would be dunk, IPS, and steal but the ability seems to be obvious that it will be ITP since he was the best dunker in his heyday just like VC was


Rookie 1
Maybe a real PhD. Or MD or someone with a doctorate...,I heard Shaq has a doctorate degree...but then again Shaq Week is ongoing so....Julius Erving is a sure bet..


All-Star 3
such a let down
atleast a 109 ovr would have made the grind worth it
any news if the flashbacks/legends are updated?


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