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Next Gen Token Sets

I haven't seen anyone else discuss this, but does everyone else think it's ludicrous to have a set putting 3 gold tokens in to get one gold token?

Surely this is a mistake and it's meant to give us an elite token?

I realise we need some specific gold tokens for each player, but you also need extras of any kind in the set.

I was grinding this event exclusively all day and the only elite tokens I got were the 3 first win bonus ones. Based on the schedule, by my reckoning every one of us would get all 3 players on the same day in 5 weeks, unless there's some other way of getting elite tokens.


Pro 1
As of this current system they're obtainable in a little over three weeks

Edit: Maybe somebody could tweet to Brian about a gold to elite token set?


Rookie 1
What'll make it more frustrating is when you put in 3 golds, only to get one of the same type in exchange!
What'll make it more frustrating is when you put in 3 golds, only to get one of the same type in exchange!

Yes. If it's like that, and stays like that then I dont know if I'll be able to do it. I got burned out by the Showdown Titan shard exchange last season
As of this current system they're obtainable in a little over three weeks

Edit: Maybe somebody could tweet to Brian about a gold to elite token set?

The way I see this current system, we get 3 elite tokens for klay every Monday, 3 for Drummond on Wednesday, 3 for Giannis on Friday, then one of each on Sunday.

That's 4 elite tokens each per week, and we need 20, which is why I think 5 weeks. What am I missing?


All-Star 1
As of this current system they're obtainable in a little over three weeks

Edit: Maybe somebody could tweet to Brian about a gold to elite token set?

The way I see this current system, we get 3 elite tokens for klay every Monday, 3 for Drummond on Wednesday, 3 for Giannis on Friday, then one of each on Sunday.

That's 4 elite tokens each per week, and we need 20, which is why I think 5 weeks. What am I missing?

It may be 3 of each on Sunday which would move up the timeline. Also, someone said they got a Giannis elite token yesterday so who knows what will happen.
It should be 3 silvers for a gold and 3 golds for an elite but when this was passed along to Brain he feigned ignorance.


Rookie 1
As of this current system they're obtainable in a little over three weeks

Edit: Maybe somebody could tweet to Brian about a gold to elite token set?

The way I see this current system, we get 3 elite tokens for klay every Monday, 3 for Drummond on Wednesday, 3 for Giannis on Friday, then one of each on Sunday.

That's 4 elite tokens each per week, and we need 20, which is why I think 5 weeks. What am I missing?
Like someone else said, it could be (most likely) 3 of each on Sunday. But this is still the worst case scenario, because you can get elite tokens for repeat wins as well. I've got 4 for Klay right now.
You can get elite tokens at any moment, with a lot of luck. One member of my league already have 4 Klay & 1 Giannis elite tokens.

First win elite token it's only for the player of the day.


Pro 1
Okay so I guess that confirms it; you can earn elite tokens on repeat wins.

I played the event close to 100 times yesterday and didn?t get one which is why I wasn?t sure.
Okay so I guess that confirms it; you can earn elite tokens on repeat wins.

I played the event close to 100 times yesterday and didn?t get one which is why I wasn?t sure.

:shock: :shock: :shock: Did you at least get a bunch of gold tokens? Close to a hundred times, whew, even if you got all silver, i'm sure you've at least filled one or two players requirements for silver.


Pro 1
Okay so I guess that confirms it; you can earn elite tokens on repeat wins.

I played the event close to 100 times yesterday and didn?t get one which is why I wasn?t sure.

:shock: :shock: :shock: Did you at least get a bunch of gold tokens? Close to a hundred times, whew, even if you got all silver, i'm sure you've at least filled one or two players requirements for silver.

I?m 50/80 for Klay.

28/30 Silvers
8/15 Klay Specific Golds
11/15 General Golds
3/20 Elites
I played it 75 times and I'm 38/80 for Klay. Nice to know it's possible to get elite tokens from the event, even if they are rare.

I still think they definitely need to make that set 3 golds for an elite.

This is a regular event through the season, right? Does anyone know if we get new players released, and how often?
Brian mentioned that you level up the Masters. So presumably there will be 89 OVR versions of the cards in a few months time.


Rookie 1
Yeah so those elite tokens are going to be a huge bottle neck. So far my sets look like this:

Klay - 29/30 Assist, 10/15 PER, 3/20 Elite
Andre - 28/30 Block, 8/15 Steal, 1/20 Elite
Giannis - 30/30 VORP, 10/15 Net, 0/20 Elite

Surely they'll add a silver to gold and gold to elite exchange set as the silver and gold tokens will quickly become useless. I'm definitely holding on to my dupes for now in the hope that they'll add an exchange that is actually relevant


Rookie 1
Yeah so those elite tokens are going to be a huge bottle neck. So far my sets look like this:

Klay - 29/30 Assist, 10/15 PER, 3/20 Elite
Andre - 28/30 Block, 8/15 Steal, 1/20 Elite
Giannis - 30/30 VORP, 10/15 Net, 0/20 Elite

Surely they'll add a silver to gold and gold to elite exchange set as the silver and gold tokens will quickly become useless. I'm definitely holding on to my dupes for now in the hope that they'll add an exchange that is actually relevant

Wow, over 120 tokens already. You must be smashing all your stamina on this and buying more?


Rookie 1
Yeah so those elite tokens are going to be a huge bottle neck. So far my sets look like this:

Klay - 29/30 Assist, 10/15 PER, 3/20 Elite
Andre - 28/30 Block, 8/15 Steal, 1/20 Elite
Giannis - 30/30 VORP, 10/15 Net, 0/20 Elite

Surely they'll add a silver to gold and gold to elite exchange set as the silver and gold tokens will quickly become useless. I'm definitely holding on to my dupes for now in the hope that they'll add an exchange that is actually relevant

Wow, over 120 tokens already. You must be smashing all your stamina on this and buying more?

Using all the stamina but not buying any, i've had a couple of level up refills and i watch ads whenever they come up (well, i click the ad then put my phone down, who actually watches them?!)


Rookie 1
You?re right, level ups and ads help the stamina!

Gonna be a fine balance with this and Elevate next week and then next Harden chapters!


Rookie 1
So... I think we really do need the silver to gold token exchange for this. I have all 30 silvers for all three players and a number of dupes as I?m sure many of you do. More silvers are a complete waste now...


Rookie 1
So... I think we really do need the silver to gold token exchange for this. I have all 30 silvers for all three players and a number of dupes as I?m sure many of you do. More silvers are a complete waste now...
My hope is that when they add new Next Gen players, we can re-use some of the silver tokens.


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