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NBA Legend
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The next promo could be the Chinese New Year one starting late January or early February they could always pull a promo out of their ass for no reason but there is no info as of yet on the next promo


Rookie 1
The next promo could be the Chinese New Year one starting late January or early February they could always pull a promo out of their ass for no reason but there is no info as of yet on the next promo

Really hoping they drop a CNY promo with a Lin master(first platinum of the game!) :D


Rookie 1
The next promo could be the Chinese New Year one starting late January or early February they could always pull a promo out of their ass for no reason but there is no info as of yet on the next promo

Really hoping they drop a CNY promo with a Lin master(first platinum of the game!) :D

Lin has always been in the CNY promo but that would mean another pg master.
This time I hope they start CNY early and end it early so it doesn't collide with All star. This happened last year and having two shitty promos going at the same time wasnt fun.


NBA Legend
Staff member
Community Chief
The next promo could be the Chinese New Year one starting late January or early February they could always pull a promo out of their ass for no reason but there is no info as of yet on the next promo

Really hoping they drop a CNY promo with a Lin master(first platinum of the game!) :D

I hope the opposite I don't think the master should have to be of Asian descent every time since Ming has by far the best career under that distinction and imo his career was rather lackluster compared to the hype given to his career afterwards it could be anyone from the favorite teams of China like the Rockets or Lakers perhaps a master T Mac or Harden since they clearly gave up on MVP Harden this season it would make a lot of sense to replace that with a CNY master Harden considering even their city jerseys are in Chinese plus we could use a SG more than a PG at this stage after 3 straight promos with a master PG


Rookie 3
Staff member
Stewie is on the money with positions other than pg really lacking any attention from the content guys..

Hardens been overdone imo.

Can?t say I wouldn?t love a 95 Lin plat though..

I?d put my money on Yao 99.9% will be a master.
I don't understand why we need to have a Chinese New Year promo ever year. But apparently the promo this year is bigger than Harvest.


NBA Legend
Staff member
Community Chief
I don't understand why we need to have a Chinese New Year promo ever year. But apparently the promo this year is bigger than Harvest.

Money is the reason why they know that there are a lot of whales in China and Asia in general so they try to suck everything they can from them and their neighboring countries that celebrate any players from their continent because Asia has never been a hot spot for NBA talent so they try to prey on them and their passionate fan base by giving Lin and Ming a great card every year at that time

The NBA barely celebrates it but EA is all in on doing that


All-Star 1
Sounded like Brian is leae content designer for the CNY promo. He was working on it during Harvest. Someone else did Winter.


Rookie 1
The next promo could be the Chinese New Year one starting late January or early February they could always pull a promo out of their ass for no reason but there is no info as of yet on the next promo

Really hoping they drop a CNY promo with a Lin master(first platinum of the game!) :D

I hope the opposite I don't think the master should have to be of Asian descent every time since Ming has by far the best career under that distinction and imo his career was rather lackluster compared to the hype given to his career afterwards it could be anyone from the favorite teams of China like the Rockets or Lakers perhaps a master T Mac or Harden since they clearly gave up on MVP Harden this season it would make a lot of sense to replace that with a CNY master Harden considering even their city jerseys are in Chinese plus we could use a SG more than a PG at this stage after 3 straight promos with a master PG

well yao was never the true "master" and kd and rodman were the masters last year


NBA Legend
Staff member
Community Chief
Really hoping they drop a CNY promo with a Lin master(first platinum of the game!) :D

I hope the opposite I don't think the master should have to be of Asian descent every time since Ming has by far the best career under that distinction and imo his career was rather lackluster compared to the hype given to his career afterwards it could be anyone from the favorite teams of China like the Rockets or Lakers perhaps a master T Mac or Harden since they clearly gave up on MVP Harden this season it would make a lot of sense to replace that with a CNY master Harden considering even their city jerseys are in Chinese plus we could use a SG more than a PG at this stage after 3 straight promos with a master PG

well yao was never the true "master" and kd and rodman were the masters last year

Well I didn't say Yao was a master card I was saying he gets a high overall card (at the time) every CNY because they know they can make money from it but if it was between Yao and Lin for a CNY master or high overall then Yao deserves it way more than Lin does I'm hoping Harden gets it but as long as their isn't a PG (unless it's Rose lol) then I'm fine with the choice
The next promo could be the Chinese New Year one starting late January or early February they could always pull a promo out of their ass for no reason but there is no info as of yet on the next promo

Really hoping they drop a CNY promo with a Lin master(first platinum of the game!) :D

I hope the opposite I don't think the master should have to be of Asian descent every time since Ming has by far the best career under that distinction and imo his career was rather lackluster compared to the hype given to his career afterwards it could be anyone from the favorite teams of China like the Rockets or Lakers perhaps a master T Mac or Harden since they clearly gave up on MVP Harden this season it would make a lot of sense to replace that with a CNY master Harden considering even their city jerseys are in Chinese plus we could use a SG more than a PG at this stage after 3 straight promos with a master PG

You're making too much sense with this but what's new lol. At least they attempted to have a C master this promo, even though malone's stats are lackluster. I feel like they are still holding on to doing something with Harden ch3 and are scared to do something major with him because of that. I was surprised they gave an impact (deserved one) and the xmas just made sense, although those cards being unauctionable is still questionable (but that's a dead horse at this point so i won't beat it more lol).


Rookie 1
The next promo could be the Chinese New Year one starting late January or early February they could always pull a promo out of their ass for no reason but there is no info as of yet on the next promo

Really hoping they drop a CNY promo with a Lin master(first platinum of the game!) :D

I hope the opposite I don't think the master should have to be of Asian descent every time since Ming has by far the best career under that distinction and imo his career was rather lackluster compared to the hype given to his career afterwards it could be anyone from the favorite teams of China like the Rockets or Lakers perhaps a master T Mac or Harden since they clearly gave up on MVP Harden this season it would make a lot of sense to replace that with a CNY master Harden considering even their city jerseys are in Chinese plus we could use a SG more than a PG at this stage after 3 straight promos with a master PG

100% agree with you. It could really be any player from any team, of any nationality. As for the point on EA's priorities on money, that's definitely a major factor. Frankly, I think this is the one time of year that EA gets an excuse to appease directly to Asian consumers, so they're probably gonna do whoever is huge in Asia. For Jeremy Lin fans like myself, Linsanity never died, so EA's doing an excellent job in appeasing us :lol:. As for Yao Ming, he was, and always will be huge in Asia, especially in China.


Rookie 1
The next promo could be the Chinese New Year one starting late January or early February they could always pull a promo out of their ass for no reason but there is no info as of yet on the next promo

Really hoping they drop a CNY promo with a Lin master(first platinum of the game!) :D

I hope the opposite I don't think the master should have to be of Asian descent every time since Ming has by far the best career under that distinction and imo his career was rather lackluster compared to the hype given to his career afterwards it could be anyone from the favorite teams of China like the Rockets or Lakers perhaps a master T Mac or Harden since they clearly gave up on MVP Harden this season it would make a lot of sense to replace that with a CNY master Harden considering even their city jerseys are in Chinese plus we could use a SG more than a PG at this stage after 3 straight promos with a master PG

I'll be waiting for that Raptors CNY jersey!


Rookie 1
This is kind of unrelated but after the playoffs end it would be nice to have a promo for the guys that will be retiring/or have retired recently. Dirk, VC, Wade, Manu, David West, possibly Jamal Crawford and Tony Parker.


NBA Legend
Staff member
Community Chief
This is kind of unrelated but after the playoffs end it would be nice to have a promo for the guys that will be retiring/or have retired recently. Dirk, VC, Wade, Manu, David West, possibly Jamal Crawford and Tony Parker.

That most likely won't work because when someone retires EA loses their rights so they have to get them back and they aren't always able to do that for a while


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