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New changes..


All-Star 3
1. Legends event now requires no stamina .. blitz still does
2. Elevate first win is now a non specific elevate token
Any other changes?
3. Flashback event is still on. Was anyone else missing a 3rd flashbaack event.. i had only 2


All-Star 3
It was easy to miss. You needed to click on the locked event and scroll left.

Ah that makes sense..
I really dont get the developers..i understand making things really long grinds (impact, legends and flashback) especially on the heels of elevate, next gen and Halloween.. but do they really have to make irritating drills, hidden events etc.. somehow it seems like theyre actively trying to take the joy away from the game..


Pro 1
It was easy to miss. You needed to click on the locked event and scroll left.

Ah that makes sense..
I really dont get the developers..i understand making things really long grinds (impact, legends and flashback) especially on the heels of elevate, next gen and Halloween.. but do they really have to make irritating drills, hidden events etc.. somehow it seems like theyre actively trying to take the joy away from the game..

Honestly Flashback isn?t that long I have 40 tokens in the first 24 hours


All-Star 3
It was easy to miss. You needed to click on the locked event and scroll left.

Ah that makes sense..
I really dont get the developers..i understand making things really long grinds (impact, legends and flashback) especially on the heels of elevate, next gen and Halloween.. but do they really have to make irritating drills, hidden events etc.. somehow it seems like theyre actively trying to take the joy away from the game..

Honestly Flashback isn?t that long I have 40 tokens in the first 24 hours

That's great.. I'm putting my stamina into showdown for an 85. Just hope i get to legend in time.. gameplay had been crazy for me today..


Pro 1
Ah that makes sense..
I really dont get the developers..i understand making things really long grinds (impact, legends and flashback) especially on the heels of elevate, next gen and Halloween.. but do they really have to make irritating drills, hidden events etc.. somehow it seems like theyre actively trying to take the joy away from the game..

Honestly Flashback isn?t that long I have 40 tokens in the first 24 hours

That's great.. I'm putting my stamina into showdown for an 85. Just hope i get to legend in time.. gameplay had been crazy for me today..

Yeah gameplay has been iffy for me too lately


All-Star 1
Ah that makes sense..
I really dont get the developers..i understand making things really long grinds (impact, legends and flashback) especially on the heels of elevate, next gen and Halloween.. but do they really have to make irritating drills, hidden events etc.. somehow it seems like theyre actively trying to take the joy away from the game..

Honestly Flashback isn?t that long I have 40 tokens in the first 24 hours

That's great.. I'm putting my stamina into showdown for an 85. Just hope i get to legend in time.. gameplay had been crazy for me today..
I?m giving up on Legend tier and playing the email raffle! I?m SSII and it?s f?ing ridiculous as an 85. No chance.


All-Star 3
Honestly Flashback isn?t that long I have 40 tokens in the first 24 hours

That's great.. I'm putting my stamina into showdown for an 85. Just hope i get to legend in time.. gameplay had been crazy for me today..
I?m giving up on Legend tier and playing the email raffle! I?m SSII and it?s f?ing ridiculous as an 85. No chance.
Ya the ss2 grind starts for me now. Hope the email raffle still works now that they changed the title
It was easy to miss. You needed to click on the locked event and scroll left.

Ah that makes sense..
I really dont get the developers..i understand making things really long grinds (impact, legends and flashback) especially on the heels of elevate, next gen and Halloween.. but do they really have to make irritating drills, hidden events etc.. somehow it seems like theyre actively trying to take the joy away from the game..

Initially, Flashback was supposed to be on Fridays only so I think they cocked the whole thing up.


All-Star 3
It was easy to miss. You needed to click on the locked event and scroll left.

Ah that makes sense..
I really dont get the developers..i understand making things really long grinds (impact, legends and flashback) especially on the heels of elevate, next gen and Halloween.. but do they really have to make irritating drills, hidden events etc.. somehow it seems like theyre actively trying to take the joy away from the game..

Initially, Flashback was supposed to be on Fridays only so I think they cocked the whole thing up.
I guess. Thanks for the heads up on the 'hidden' event


All-Star 3
Anybody finding the content at the moment extremely dull?
Me too.. the next week promises a ton of new cards BUT if the challenges are going to be drills where we miss perfect releases and 2 minute long challenges or really long grinds i guess it will remain the same..
Anybody finding the content at the moment extremely dull?
Me too.. the next week promises a ton of new cards BUT if the challenges are going to be drills where we miss perfect releases and 2 minute long challenges or really long grinds i guess it will remain the same..
I've been extremely bored as well. I keep saying it's all the damn waiting! Even though we had the same content in previous seasons, it was better designed to allow us to finish and acquire players much faster. Whether it's waiting for content to unlock, waiting weeks to grind out a legend, impact, or flashback player, the lack of grindable masters (LvsL, Royalty, nba live masters etc), or the simple lack of sets (just look at how little sets we have), this season has been a complete bore and in my opinion worse than any of the previous 2 seasons!


All-Star 3
I think part of the reason is other than the extreme P2p players almost everyone has the same teams.. hopefully when they integrate the lineups in the future atleast some variety will be there..
@juke.. ya agree abt the wait.. was just thinking how long it would take me to get a legend.. i realised the match was not worth it..lol


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