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New campaign?


Rookie 3
This campaign has already given me six 81ovr players, five 82ovr players and three 83ovr players, and it isn't even halfway through.

Pretty crazy, considering the previous two campaigns had me struggling to reach a single 82 and 83 player respectively.


Pro 2
This campaign has already given me six 81ovr players, five 82ovr players and three 83ovr players, and it isn't even halfway through.

Pretty crazy, considering the previous two campaigns had me struggling to reach a single 82 and 83 player respectively.
The halloween campaign I was able to get 1 master and almost a 2nd . This one I'm not "really" trying but I wouldn't mind some of those masters. Anything higher than 84 auctionable?


All-Star 1
The halloween campaign I was able to get 1 master and almost a 2nd . This one I'm not "really" trying but I wouldn't mind some of those masters. Anything higher than 84 auctionable?
Everything over 84 is auctionable + the Store cards no matter what the OVR


All-Star 1
Not the 84s tho just 85+ correct? I haven't searched yet.
Anytime you see a card on a menu screen, you can touch it to view it. It will either have a non-auctionable symbol or it won't. Go to the campaign screen for the Zion segment for example. Click on any of the cards shown & you'll see that the 81 & 84 have a non-auctionable symbol but 85 Jokic doesnt


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