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New Auction House prices


NBA Legend
Staff member
Community Chief
I'm finding bid 100 buy 99999999 the easiest way.. might not be the best way, but its easy
Yeah I still use that for anything that isn't brand new because if it's not brand new the value likely isn't much at all so I'm not gonna put a bunch of different prices up for the cards I want to sell


All-Star 3
Yeah I still use that for anything that isn't brand new because if it's not brand new the value likely isn't much at all so I'm not gonna put a bunch of different prices up for the cards I want to sell
I tried it for the potg curry on my alt as an experiment.. got 2 mill.. maybe could have got more but dont think by a lot..
plus if I overpriced it in my first attempt I would up end up getting less which has happened b4


NBA Legend
Staff member
Community Chief
I tried it for the potg curry on my alt as an experiment.. got 2 mill.. maybe could have got more but dont think by a lot..
plus if I overpriced it in my first attempt I would up end up getting less which has happened b4
Yeah smart strategy honestly because I tried to sell mine for 3.8 at first and ended up selling it for 2.5 after a couple failed attempts
Those prices don't work, I've tried them for days and nothing sold. The only thing that has been working for me is 101 bid and 999999999 buy now for any card lower than 104ovr.


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