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NBALM Survey

Hey all. I don't know if this has been posted already, but I noticed there appears to be a survey that we can complete if you go to "news" section from the left pull over menu (under Auctions) and select the "EA" tab in the top left. It's a pretty short survey, and it doesn't appear to have a limit on how much you can write while being specific.

I figured this would be a great way for our voices to be heard, in case they weren't already.

It allows you to rate your likeliness of recommending the game to others and allows you to be more specific in the next part.

It appears you can only take the survey one time (can maybe do it again on an alt???) but it at least looks like a great way to get your suggestions/complaints into their hands and maybe we will see a difference if enough of us participate.

It also asks for your approximate level in the game and amount of money spent.

Edit: (altered whether survey can be repeated)


NBA Legend
Staff member
Community Chief
It won't do much honestly but worth a try for some I guess and the reason they ask for how much you spent is to know which opinions to throw away
It won't do much honestly but worth a try for some I guess and the reason they ask for how much you spent is to know which opinions to throw away

Yes, lol I thought about that portion. Might be good to say you've paid something versus 0....if it will maybe help them at least read it lol.


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