Rookie 3

so iOs should be first, and android maybe 12-24hrs later, looking forward to the REAL reviews
^This^ I'm confused as well. I thought it was today but that timer on twitter says 1 day which is tomorrow?So its launching today or 24 hrs from now? I am in Asia pacific region...
^This^ I'm confused as well. I thought it was today but that timer on twitter says 1 day which is tomorrow?So its launching today or 24 hrs from now? I am in Asia pacific region...
So its launching today or 24 hrs from now? I am in Asia pacific region...
12-24 hours seems like an exaggeration I heard Madden Mobile's update turning it into Madden Overdrive came out at the same time on both stores
^This^ I'm confused as well. I thought it was today but that timer on twitter says 1 day which is tomorrow?So its launching today or 24 hrs from now? I am in Asia pacific region...
It is launching today in the US all times given out by US based companies will be in time zones for the continental United States and almost always ET (also the same time zone that Orlando is in which is the main headquarters for EA) so expect it within the next 12 hours
^This^ I'm confused as well. I thought it was today but that timer on twitter says 1 day which is tomorrow?
It is launching today in the US all times given out by US based companies will be in time zones for the continental United States and almost always ET (also the same time zone that Orlando is in which is the main headquarters for EA) so expect it within the next 12 hours
Why are people assuming today? I am seeing tomorrow: https://help.ea.com/en/help/nba-live/nba-mobile/get-ready-for-the-new-season-of-nba-live-mobile/
^This^ I'm confused as well. I thought it was today but that timer on twitter says 1 day which is tomorrow?
It is launching today in the US all times given out by US based companies will be in time zones for the continental United States and almost always ET (also the same time zone that Orlando is in which is the main headquarters for EA) so expect it within the next 12 hours
Why are people assuming today? I am seeing tomorrow: https://help.ea.com/en/help/nba-live/nba-mobile/get-ready-for-the-new-season-of-nba-live-mobile/
It's available now