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NBA Returns Promo


Rookie 1
Each event is a 2:30 game, so to do 85 its at least 4 hours since it usually takes 3 min+ to complete one event. The first one to complete it would be at 11am est earliest imo


NBA Legend
Staff member
Community Chief
It takes 2:30 to complete one, so to do 85 its at least 4 hours since it usually takes 3 min+ to complete one event. The first one to complete it would be at 11am est earliest imo
That's if people decide to spend the stamina on it but including event changes it actually takes 4 minutes so 340 minutes or a little under 6 hours not including stamina packs etc. I don't see anyone putting in the effort to grind the jersey asap
I know it’s early, but what do you suppose is the significance of trending players for this promo? I opened a bunch of trending packs I had been saving up and sold a few players in the AH for some decent coin, but wondering if I should’ve retained them for the promo lineup or not.


NBA Legend
Staff member
Community Chief
Should I go for the Magic Johnson or the 107 OVR first?
The only way to get Magic requires you to get 50k points so no way to get it first because by the time you reach that mark you will already have a 107


NBA Legend
Staff member
Community Chief
I asked the official Twitter account about the jerseys when they posted about them

"Show us what the jerseys are like in terms of tier and boosts so that we know if it is even worth it to go after I'm not spending 4,250 stamina and 6 hours on token-less events for a ultra, royal, or super jersey that gives +3/+3 or +5/+5 with boosts we already have access to"

I don't expect an answer but if the jerseys are just city and throwback versions of what we already have now with no new jersey boosts like 3pt then it's not worth doing if you played the promo (forgot which) that let you choose an ultra and royal jersey without the hassle of grinding events that take away from grinding for masters since no point in the current super jerseys since they are just like the royal ones in terms of stat boosts but give a small coin boost as well


Rookie 1
Anyone know what’s needed to get the 108 master? It currently says to improve your lineup but haven’t found any other requirements.


Rookie 1
Damn, what a scam :D preview that you COULD get the 108, but it costs 4`000 cash 😂 I don't think it is worth it for a short PG. If it was Duncan, then maybe.


  • IMG-3215.jpg
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Santoz pg

Rookie 1
have opened this players by the 102 _106 %chance by using only 50 tokens + I haven't opened my boost pack items I'm waiting for YouTube guys to make video on collect tokens then I open


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