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NBA Legends Coming Soon


Pro 1
So despite being launched on tip-off day, Wilt and Isiah are cards of the new legend program, right?

https://twitter.com/Asros/ also shared a tip-off Oladipo 85ovr


All-Star 1
Dang I miss Legend like it was last season. Grind it to get a card, get lucky with the high card & snipe the lowers....boom! Insta lineup upgrade. I just don't have any interest in the long grind or buying the packs or the Legend outright.


All-Star 3
Dang I miss Legend like it was last season. Grind it to get a card, get lucky with the high card & snipe the lowers....boom! Insta lineup upgrade. I just don't have any interest in the long grind or buying the packs or the Legend outright.

Ya. I think we just have to upgrade promo to promo.. the programs are too much of a grind and well have to interrupt them anyway for the promo
Dang I miss Legend like it was last season. Grind it to get a card, get lucky with the high card & snipe the lowers....boom! Insta lineup upgrade. I just don't have any interest in the long grind or buying the packs or the Legend outright.

Ya. I think we just have to upgrade promo to promo.. the programs are too much of a grind and well have to interrupt them anyway for the promo

This. I saw on reddit Brian basically acknowledged that grinding both of the players in a week (the only way to grind and get the permanent OVR superstar in 5 weeks since it requires 10 and each weekly gives 1 a player) would require you to focus all of your stamina on the grind and pretty much not do any other daily events or promos.


All-Star 1
It's just unfortunate that they decided to do it this way. I'll be just fine without easier access to Legends but I think most ppl really dig the Legends and it's fun to work to get them on your team & use them. The restricted access really dampens the fun-factor. Unless it's a mind-blowing card, nobody wants to grind for a month +. Big "swing and a miss" by EA


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