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My Android NBALM app keeps crashing since 7pm East Asia time


Rookie 2
Hi all,

For those playing Android version, have any of u experienced this since the 7am/pm reset earlier today?

I can't get in anymore. the app has crashed so many times that I've given up. Maybe EA needs to knows this.


Pro 1
Android. no crashes to report lately other than some ads that make my game stall after I click to watch.

what are you specifically doing in game when the game is crashing for you?


Rookie 2
When I try to load the game, and halfway through the loading, it would crash.

I don't even have to play any part of the game for it to crash. I have deleted, reinstalled, restart my phone but to no avail.


Rookie 1
Last week I crashed playing the campaign S2 North Pole events I was able to get back in and there was a blue RESUME button where i was booted when I try to resume it Crashes every time . Today the sound dont match screen so slow


Rookie 2
Finally, it worked yesterday late morning after I finished my gym workout. apparently it was because I used my Android details to log in, it'd crash.

But when I used my fb one, it would successfully login in, w/ nps. Thank the Heavens. lol.


Rookie 1
Last week I crashed playing the campaign S2 North Pole events I was able to get back in and there was a blue RESUME button where i was booted when I try to resume it Crashes every time . Today the sound dont match screen so slow

Have you solved the S2 North Pole crashing issue?


Rookie 1
Last week I crashed playing the campaign S2 North Pole events I was able to get back in and there was a blue RESUME button where i was booted when I try to resume it Crashes every time . Today the sound dont match screen so slow

Have you solved the S2 North Pole crashing issue?

Nope, Its after midnight 12/31 just tried and


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Android. no crashes to report lately other than some ads that make my game stall after I click to watch.
A way to avoid the stalling when watching ads is to switch tabs after every ad watched. So watch an ad, then switch to my team and watch another one, then switch to leagues and watch another one etc.


All-Star 1
Android. no crashes to report lately other than some ads that make my game stall after I click to watch.
A way to avoid the stalling when watching ads is to switch tabs after every ad watched. So watch an ad, then switch to my team and watch another one, then switch to leagues and watch another one etc.

I've found this as well. Usually just cycling through the front page where the ad is works too. Seems any interaction with the touchscreen helps but I still get the occasional lockup.


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