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More To TOTY?


Pro 1
Since every position has been covered, there?s no more content with this promo. But with close to 5 days left, I think we?ll get a real TOTY with some big name players. I doubt they would give us such an awful promo then move on, but it?s EA.. Ya never know


Rookie 2
Since every position has been covered, there?s no more content with this promo. But with close to 5 days left, I think we?ll get a real TOTY with some big name players. I doubt they would give us such an awful promo then move on, but it?s EA.. Ya never know

Yeah they'd never do that.
They did in the last promo


NBA Legend
Staff member
Community Chief
This is the "real TOTY" they don't make TOTY mirror the All-NBA 1st team much like they don't make Madden's mirror the All-Pro team because they use it as a chance to give high overall cards to some players that won't be getting any higher overall cards later in the game's season
They will need to introduce a new set after the point guard one expires otherwise people will be converting their platinum tokens into elites for nothing. Hopefully, they put the promo out of its misery and can it in two days.


All-Star 3
They will need to introduce a new set after the point guard one expires otherwise people will be converting their platinum tokens into elites for bothing. Hopefully, they put the promo out of its misery and can it in two days.

Hope that happens and the ah crashes...


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