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Monthly master doubt...


Rookie 1
I'm using the 1500 cash and 80 elite tokens to get 104 master after that u require 330 token s u get 30 days x 9 token each day =270 tokens u also get 17 tokens from mm events and 10 from live pass where do u get rest 30 from?


Rookie 2
I believe there’s 1 ad a day for an elite token and others use 1 week of 700 monthly master pass to get extra gold tokens

Santoz pg

Rookie 1
Before you complete 107 master there will be events at the end of the month that have 107 cards.just remember the lambeer 105 monthly master and Steph curry they are now outdated, do events leave the monthly masters alone, you can save that nba cash to use it in the events. Lambeer was 105 now we're busy competing for 106 cards. Do your calculations bro. A piece of advice from me😊
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All-Star 3
Before you complete 107 master there will be events at the end of the month that have 107 cards.just remember the lambeer 105 monthly master and Steph curry they are now outdated, do events leave the monthly masters alone, you can save that nba cash to use it in the events. Lambeer was 105 now we're busy competing for 106 cards. Do your calculations bro. A piece of advice from me😊
just sold bill yesterday for 4 mill.. so its never a waste.. even game of the week is free 99s for the master sets.
I'm using the 1500 cash and 80 elite tokens to get 104 master after that u require 330 token s u get 30 days x 9 token each day =270 tokens u also get 17 tokens from mm events and 10 from live pass where do u get rest 30 from?
if u dont get ads .. then makes sense to get one court pass.
if u get ads., arena and live pass wild cards are enough


Rookie 3
Before you complete 107 master there will be events at the end of the month that have 107 cards.just remember the lambeer 105 monthly master and Steph curry they are now outdated, do events leave the monthly masters alone, you can save that nba cash to use it in the events. Lambeer was 105 now we're busy competing for 106 cards. Do your calculations bro. A piece of advice from me😊
Monthly masters have +4 boost, so they’ll last you longer than most promo cards. They’re usually the longest lasting bench players for me.

I’m definitely going for Iverson first. But I might try to get Kyrie too. Kyrie seems like the better card overall, but Iverson is my favorite player so that’s a no-brainer for me


Rookie 3
Is the monthly master event showing up for you?


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Rookie 2
which oNe do you think will go for higher value at AH? I can finish either AI or Kyrie in about a week and I need to sell it for coins. Kinda low at 3mil now.


NBA Legend
Staff member
Community Chief
Don’t disagree but when the timer isn’t set to expire and the whole program disappears and I’ve got 60 or so GOTW tokens...😖
I've been hoping for a revamp for months because it always took them a month to raise the overall by 1


NBA Legend
Staff member
Community Chief
Hope if they revamp they use the same tokens coz i have a lot in my inventory
I hope so as well but I'm gonna be honest they probably won't they'll either make brand new ones and maybe give us a set to exchange old tokens for new tokens which I wouldn't be surprised if they were worth a fraction of what they used to be worth towards a player


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