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Monthly master doubt...


Pro 2
I'm at 99 now once I finally finish I can get rid of all those useless unauctionable GOTW players on those XP lineups
Exactly what I did after reaching 100, and still been looking for good ability players. Last year the 4the of july admiral was the best choice in his position


NBA Legend
Staff member
Community Chief
But already a 106-107 ovr...haha. Well, you used to have two accounts though
Yeah my overall has been competitive all year but my grinding has been weak I usually stick to events for promos and if I branch out it then it's just autoplaying season games also practically no sniping for me this year... in terms of the MM I'm not motivated to get either one for the sake of keeping which will in turn eventually cause me to be a little lazy about the events and objectives


Rookie 1
Until and unless u r trolling
LOL what is there to be ashamed of!??
Actually nothing to be ashamed of, but some people think it is not fun to play with or against an all-clutch lineup.
I think it is a great way of winning, but I never play arena so it doesn't really matter for me


All-Star 1
Actually nothing to be ashamed of, but some people think it is not fun to play with or against an all-clutch lineup.
I think it is a great way of winning, but I never play arena so it doesn't really matter for me
Well, since arena A) sucks due to the latency/ connection problems and B) ppl can cheese 3s from almost half court WITHOUT abilities........

You're wasting your time playing without an all-ability lineup. You can choose to not use the abilities if you get a good competitive matchup. But it's a waste of time and stamina to go ability-free if you want to win.
Now that we’re several weeks out, what’s the verdict on whether AI or Kyrie is the better card (assume there aren’t any lineup specific needs to fill)? Been holding onto my MM tokens for weeks, waiting to see if any promo masters come along that overlap with either position, but that hasn’t happened. I still have 99 Kemba on my Street bench and 101 Vinsanity in my LD lineup, so both AI and Kyrie would be major improvements.


All-Star 1
Now that we’re several weeks out, what’s the verdict on whether AI or Kyrie is the better card (assume there aren’t any lineup specific needs to fill)? Been holding onto my MM tokens for weeks, waiting to see if any promo masters come along that overlap with either position, but that hasn’t happened. I still have 99 Kemba on my Street bench and 101 Vinsanity in my LD lineup, so both AI and Kyrie would be major improvements.
Kyrie cards are usually trash but from what I’ve seen his AI is improved greatly with this MM card. Haven’t used him though so no idea on manual play. AI is a typical AI card as far as I can tell but I only have the 105 so far.


Rookie 1
I just got finessed by EA, I put my 107 Iverson up for 101 start and 999,999,999 BIN after not being able to sell him all day. The bot buys my card for 5 million coins, I check the AH and there are ones up with bids for 6.8 mil.


All-Star 1
I just got finessed by EA, I put my 107 Iverson up for 101 start and 999,999,999 BIN after not being able to sell him all day. The bot buys my card for 5 million coins, I check the AH and there are ones up with bids for 6.8 mil.

That's exactly why you don't use that method for valuable cards. At the very least, use a bid that you're comfortable with and use 99,999,999 for the BIN.


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