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Mobile Madness Promo


NBA Legend
Staff member
Community Chief
Can we check if only ones who got this surprise pack is those who have a player with downgraded boosts from ASW? If so might be a low key make good to make people stop complaining?
Nah I saw people in the low 80s get the cards plus they nerfed the overall of the cards that people got this morning


Rookie 1
The nerfed the free cards. I know it was a mistake, and as I posted I expected it to be temporary, but I am gonna at least take a break from the game and consider quitting permanently. I've kinda had it with the quality roller coaster. It's supposed to be fun I shouldn't be pissed off all the time. I don't get pissed when I play candy crush lol.


Rookie 2
The nerfed the free cards. I know it was a mistake, and as I posted I expected it to be temporary, but I am gonna at least take a break from the game and consider quitting permanently. I've kinda had it with the quality roller coaster. It's supposed to be fun I shouldn't be pissed off all the time. I don't get pissed when I play candy crush lol.
exactly. meant to be for entertainment purposes. Devs driving us nuts. I've played several Mobile games before and EA devs BY FAR are the worse


All-Star 1
The nerfed the free cards. I know it was a mistake, and as I posted I expected it to be temporary, but I am gonna at least take a break from the game and consider quitting permanently. I've kinda had it with the quality roller coaster. It's supposed to be fun I shouldn't be pissed off all the time. I don't get pissed when I play candy crush lol.
I hear ya. And it's an entirely different story when you're giving these schmucks your dollars and they STILL make you suffer for their mistakes. You'd think that this was life and death with how they react to things that negatively affect their bottom line in any way

Steve Rogers

Rookie 2
Anyone feels stupid?i mean even if we know that devs sooner or later gonna screw us we keep playing this game...is it that hard to keep a quality game when your game is based on real life sport,there are so much events that have happened since this game has become professional and jet we keep getting this stupid drills,promos that lack quality and creativity...i feel like devs dont give a F about game community...smh this game have such a great potential to be top game all the time and all we get is dissapointment after dissapointment...this time may be really the good bye forever to this game from me 😐😕


Rookie 1
The nerfed the free cards. I know it was a mistake, and as I posted I expected it to be temporary, but I am gonna at least take a break from the game and consider quitting permanently. I've kinda had it with the quality roller coaster. It's supposed to be fun I shouldn't be pissed off all the time. I don't get pissed when I play candy crush lol.
Well.... I haven't played the game over the last 4 days and life is good, and in fact I have more time! Maybe I should be thanking EA for finally forcing me off the habit.


All-Star 1
Soooo, nobody is excited about the Cinderella Masters? Hmmm, seems odd to me since they're obviously the best in the game...... I'm amazed this team is still employed by EA tbh


Pro 2
Soooo, nobody is excited about the Cinderella Masters? Hmmm, seems odd to me since they're obviously the best in the game...... I'm amazed this team is still employed by EA tbh
Ugh. Why does EA always mess of Hakeem rebounding stats? Draymond pg....sigh....


All-Star 1
Ugh. Why does EA always mess of Hakeem rebounding stats? Draymond pg....sigh....
I was kinda waiting for something cool to drop. Zion is a good card but not excited about a minor upgrade to my LP Giannis. Jaw hit the floor when I saw the incredibly poor stats on all 3 of the Cinderellas. Idk what to even say about it. Defies logic when you think about it from both a customer and a business perspective.


Pro 2
I was kinda waiting for something cool to drop. Zion is a good card but not excited about a minor upgrade to my LP Giannis. Jaw hit the floor when I saw the incredibly poor stats on all 3 of the Cinderellas. Idk what to even say about it. Defies logic when you think about it from both a customer and a business perspective.
I’ve played against all 3 and only one with any ai presence is Ewing. Draymond super easy to steal from. Hakeem just stands there on rebounds. And Ewing wasn’t special


Pro 1
Soooo, nobody is excited about the Cinderella Masters? Hmmm, seems odd to me since they're obviously the best in the game...... I'm amazed this team is still employed by EA tbh
Not excited about anything NBALM related. Not even 91 Zion (I benched him behind 89 Giannis on the day I had him for free). Not even 92 Shaq and 94 Doncic coming out.
It feels as if I have the same team for a month or so (I probably do too). So bored I even took up on Candy Crush like Manush suggested 🤷 (and another puzzle game due to a stupid stamina system on Candy Crush)

Can’t even figure out which sets I should do to be done with the current promo. I can get Dray or Ewing but I don’t want neither at this point. Can’t sell them either I guess. I still have some days left in the sets, so I’ll just leave it and try to figure that out later

This Madness campaign was just awful. For several reasons. It made me play another game


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