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MAY monthly master


Pro 1
To be fair this was made about 3 hours earlier than the other one but it required acceptance to make visible to other because it was their first post and it was a thread so the combo of the 2 requires approval to avoid fake accounts posting spam I didn't approve it but someone several hours after the other one was made
Ah okay I need to pay more attention lol


Pro 2
EA has taken away gold MM tokens in Bonus Packs? I have 85 bonus packs unopened and they are worth a single silver or bronze card? Come on, EA. (I know they said bonus packs are “to be decided” but come on)


All-Star 1
EA has taken away gold MM tokens in Bonus Packs? I have 85 bonus packs unopened and they are worth a single silver or bronze card? Come on, EA. (I know they said bonus packs are “to be decided” but come on)
Jesus. They're a bunch of wankers for still giving us Silver & Bronze cards anyway. Why keep giving us something that has ZERO use in the game? Wtf EA? Now they take away tokens?


NBA Legend
Staff member
Community Chief
EA has taken away gold MM tokens in Bonus Packs? I have 85 bonus packs unopened and they are worth a single silver or bronze card? Come on, EA. (I know they said bonus packs are “to be decided” but come on)
Jesus. They're a bunch of wankers for still giving us Silver & Bronze cards anyway. Why keep giving us something that has ZERO use in the game? Wtf EA? Now they take away tokens?
It's definitely because people keep saving packs until they're useful instead of opening them right away


Pro 2
It's definitely because people keep saving packs until they're useful instead of opening them right away

Well the solution to that is to not allow saved bonus packs to convert to new campaigns, not effectively wipe out bonus packs. With this new action EA has created a deal where no one will open the bonus packs.


NBA Legend
Staff member
Community Chief
Well the solution to that is to not allow saved bonus packs to convert to new campaigns, not effectively wipe out bonus packs. With this new action EA has created a deal where no one will open the bonus packs.
Well they already started down the path of not allowing us to save stuff but it's still possible but I'd rather not have bonus packs than having them with a useless card that can't sell and since they live the progression system promos they should just make promo packs that give you 100 points or for the promos that have collectibles they give a couple collectibles
Save the bonus packs for the next tokens based promo.

They dont give MM tokens cause they know anyone with 300+ bonus packs saved could get 104 Curry almost free


All-Star 1
It's just asinine since they GIVE us the option of saving the packs. Not like it's some exploit. Either way, I'll save mine as I'm sure it will inevitably reward something better than it currently does


Rookie 3
Good things about this new format of monthly master:
-The 104 version is totally grindable for f2p (7 elite token from campaign, 1.75 from daily objective and 2 from store, total of 10.75 token daily or 333 in 31 days. The 104 version w/out ablity cost only 275, and with 2 weekly pass you can get the version with ability.
-those elite tokens that you get from store are wildcards, so i assume you can use them on next master (can someone confirm?). So in case you don’t like the current master, you can keep them and use on next. Too bad though we are only few months left before the reset
-there are still stamina on the events (50 each on first 3 events, total of 150)


Rookie 1
While I was playing the Endurance events, I noticed that Steph Curry missed quite a lot of shots, even though I have my +4 3pt shooting Nuggets jersey.
I never trust those events. Some players are nerfed & the opponents are boosted like crazy.

My loaned 104 Curry has 115 3p & he did really well.


Rookie 3
Staff member
They find a way to ruin anything good. I was really enjoying the MM concept.


Rookie 2
While I was playing the Endurance events, I noticed that Steph Curry missed quite a lot of shots, even though I have my +4 3pt shooting Nuggets jersey.

Yeah, I realised that too...very frustrating. I needed James Harden as an alternative, and had Bagley & Ewing to get the OF rebounds and subsequent SDs.


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