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Maxed Ultimate Legend Ray Allen


Rookie 1
99 for 3 point? Damn.....is he consistent? I have not used my training cards and elites (keeping them last minutes and I think in total I have 300 of them).


Rookie 1
liga said:
99 for 3 point? Damn.....is he consistent? I have not used my training cards and elites (keeping them last minutes and I think in total I have 300 of them).

He's really consistent. One of the best sharpshooters in NBALM right now IMO.


NBA Legend
Staff member
Community Chief
Wish I never sold mine or that I bought one when he was like 3 mil during the 1st playoffs promo back when the highest 3pt cap was 99 and not like 116


All-Star 1
I was so happy to sell him and get Hornacek. It was like night and day. I wonder if they "fixed" his card at some point? I mean, he couldn't hit the ocean for me...just terrible.


Rookie 1
I was so happy to sell him and get Hornacek. It was like night and day. I wonder if they "fixed" his card at some point? I mean, he couldn't hit the ocean for me...just terrible.

The boost is also a good reason to get him, but I just find his card great to use. Plus I have other options if he isn't on form with Magic, Horry, Schrempf and Bosh.


Rookie 3
i was thinking of getting him but all the cards needed to get him are rarely on ah now and he is very expensive i got allen iverson instead he is also a beast


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