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Made A Little Investment


Pro 1
Not much to say here.. Seeing as FA packs are gone now prices should go up on these.. This could go very well or very wrong.. Lol


I won?t make a seperate thread but I also got a 100 Wiggins for 11m and sold for 22m but it isn?t in that gallery.. I do have the pics tho

I have another Embiid on the AH too forgot to add


Rookie 1
The way you flip these players, you make it look like child's play. I'm assuming you're trying to monopolize those cards for a higher profit, right?


Pro 1
The way you flip these players, you make it look like child's play. I'm assuming you're trying to monopolize those cards for a higher profit, right?

Not so much monopolization but more so collecting wise. No point sitting on the amount of coins I did lol I paid decent prices for these cards so if I were to sell everything now, I?d walk away with around 50m profit. I?m gonna wait and see what happens to prices


Pro 1
May be the free agency packs will return you should sell them now bro

I thought they would but when the KOLA LeBron pack expired Boogie replaced his instantly, and the timer on the Boogie set is up for another day and a half, they didn?t do that with LeBron so I think they are done with the packs. I?m gonna dump my collection tonight except for the FB cards and see what happens


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