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LvL... becoming unplayable


Rookie 3
over the last few weeks, we have gone from a top 50 league team to sh**... we play 101-102 teams and they're unplayable

these teams get +20-30
we get 0- +10...
we have no understanding how in the last 2 wks, such a massive change has occurred.

now yesterday, on twitter, i saw a post where one is accusing top teams of cheating, using "GG".. i can see that they are able to generate coins..

i am also aware that there is the emulator blue stacks.. is it THAT much easier to control NBALM with your PC than on your phone???

we cant be the only league 2 be witnessing this
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Rookie 2
Our league is been doing quite well recently. Climbing from 150 to 9x in about 2 or 3 weeks.
Matches are though and close but we win about 80 percent


Rookie 1
They are not able to generate coins. And there are nearly no cheating leagues out there. There is 1 well known cheat league in game ( as far as I know ) That’s it. Some leagues cooperate with them.
But last time there was a patch and on 1st April the new update will bring a new patch hopefully.
Coin and cash generating will be banned after 4 weeks. They get the coins from the auction house.
Bluestacks don’t gives better gameplay, a game controller can be used. But that don’t gives so much better scores.
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Rookie 1
I get 20+ too, but sometimes nerfed drives give me lower scores. Playing with 102 ovr in lvl vs a lower team can give you big margins, especially with clutch and buzzer. Some guys are good in this game and know to play well even when the nerf happens. Not everything you can’t do or understand is cheating.
Ea nerfs older cards and gives higher ovr and the latest cards a much better gameplay.
The TpT rating is already at 112 ( highest I’ve seen with boosts ), so cards with a 90 3 point rating will miss more, especially versus higher ovr.
My main account is 102, but I played with a 99 versus a 102 ovr some days ago. I feel you, it was terrible, impossible to defend and i missed a shots, rebounds ...
Highest ovr gives best gameplay - for highest ovr you need to spend a lot of time or money. Money is what counts in a free app and frustration let the customers spend for a better gameplay.
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Pro 1
Back when i was a 98-99 (101 now) i used to have the same problem: league matches were too hard; stopped having fun; stopped playing LvL. I had trouble winning against lower ovr’s and even lost the ocasional quarter.
It was so much of a sacrifice that even now I do minumum SD and mostly on auto-play.
It may have something to do with League rank, or cheaters... I don’t know. I just know that I don’t like it so... I’m not doing it.

Having a lot a fun playing the March Madness campaign and don’t plan on going back to LvL anytime soon.


Rookie 1
And please don’t believe this Twitter posts always... Some of this leagues have a battle and try to share wrong stuff about the others under another profile.
Fact is that there’s 1 league that uses a cheattool in lvl. 1 league out of thousands ... And usually they hunt each other to get the top ranking, so you will meet them really rarely or maybe never.
Enjoy the game.


All-Star 1
I support the OP 100% as I've observed the same behavior. We've been a Top 50-110 team all season. For the past few weeks lvl has been very inconsistent which makes it extremely frustrating. I can post a +12 margin against a 102 (as a 100) and then tie or even lose by one to a 99. My problem is the gameplay changes too dramatically during the course of a season. I'm fine with having to change my style of play but it kinda sucks when it's in the middle of the season. I just think EA tinkers way too much with gameplay and cards during the season. They shouldn't have to "nerf" cards to make new cards better. Their stat ratings are atrocious and not even comparable to real player stats. How can one person say a card is the best they've ever played with and another say it's total garbage? That's the biggest issue I have with the game right now.


Pro 2
+20 in lvl isn’t a sign of a cheater — it’s a sign of a very good player. I consider my skill set mediocre at best. Yet, I’ve hade +20 to +30 on occasions, usually against a lower ovr (1 or 2 lower). But normally my margin after my 2 drives is in the teens (-1 ovr to equal ovr) We have a couple guys on our league who are just great players.

Now, we have come across a cheating league recently. Look for +40 by an equal ovr as a sign.

That said, I’m frustrated with the differences between lvl and SD game play. And I absolutely have noticed that the last two weeks. My lvl margins have been low as AI plays off the chain. Meanwhile I double my margins in 30 more seconds in SD. Is it that hard for EA to create consistency between lvl and SD? It would be nice to be able to use SD more as practice for lvl. But it doesn’t translate well to lvl and I’m always going left to right in SD but lvl is right to left (kinda like playing in a mirror lol)


NBA Legend
Staff member
Community Chief
+20 in lvl isn’t a sign of a cheater — it’s a sign of a very good player. I consider my skill set mediocre at best. Yet, I’ve hade +20 to +30 on occasions, usually against a lower ovr (1 or 2 lower). But normally my margin after my 2 drives is in the teens (-1 ovr to equal ovr) We have a couple guys on our league who are just great players.

Now, we have come across a cheating league recently. Look for +40 by an equal ovr as a sign.

That said, I’m frustrated with the differences between lvl and SD game play. And I absolutely have noticed that the last two weeks. My lvl margins have been low as AI plays off the chain. Meanwhile I double my margins in 30 more seconds in SD. Is it that hard for EA to create consistency between lvl and SD? It would be nice to be able to use SD more as practice for lvl. But it doesn’t translate well to lvl and I’m always going left to right in SD but lvl is right to left (kinda like playing in a mirror lol)
I've always been for a universal PvP game difficulty but they've always had LvL set to a higher difficulty than H2H/SD/Facebook play and it's very annoying then add on the fact that the extra 30 seconds makes the gap between the 2 modes even wider and forces you to change gameplay a little but to account for it


Rookie 3
I get that LvL comes in waves, you can have a week or 2 of +20. Then a few poor games.
now as a 100, a 101 or 102 has a massive advantage, and these last 2 wks have been impossible!

as frustrating as it is, its at least happening evenly for all..


All-Star 1
There are always ways to cheat and there's nooooo way it's just one league. I've even seen ppl recently admit that leagues they were in didn't play fairly.

But cheating aside, EA needs to slap slapping us in the face and just make gameplay even across the board. No reason the two modes should be different from each other.
They are not able to generate coins. And there are nearly no cheating leagues out there. There is 1 well known cheat league in game ( as far as I know ) That’s it. Some leagues cooperate with them.
But last time there was a patch and on 1st April the new update will bring a new patch hopefully.
Coin and cash generating will be banned after 4 weeks. They get the coins from the auction house.
Bluestacks don’t gives better gameplay, a game controller can be used. But that don’t gives so much better scores.
I don't see how coins like this can be from the AH. I've had people send me the craziest things that seem to suggest some kind of coin generation is happening.....

As far as LvsL, weve seen some very fishy +40 margins and im pretty sure they are some cheating leagues out there.
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Rookie 1
Holy front door, that’s crazy 500M. Crazy Rich Asians (nah probably cheating too) but I heard somewhere that as long as their purchasing NBA Cash, EA won’t do anything about it.


Rookie 2
As a group with average ovr of 98, we seem to meet a lot of 100 plus ovr groups. That can consistently get a plus 20 margin against us. And we have been losing at least half of our lvl games.

Personally I tend to have one good game 8 to 12 points. And one bad game 3 to 6 points.

It's hard to say exactly who's cheating because plus 20 against an ovr that is lower is doable.

However if there's coin glitch that makes everyone ovr 101. Then that's a different story


Rookie 2
I have found it easier to play LvL on our road to the top 100. I played today and was +29 vs a 98 (my lineup is 100). I just think a team of all people who spend real cash and have 101 and 102 ranked teams have a HUGE advantage over even a team like mine with 100s and 99s.

Are there cheats? I'm sure. But it shoudln't really matter. Nobody actually considered Pippen Ain't Easy or any of those other combined team, cheat using top 5 teams last year the real champs.
The gameplay is WILDLY inconsistent. That sucks in itself. There's definitely some cheating leagues out there as well (not gonna name names, but yes, there was one main one, then they allied with about 5 others recently). It's lame, but says a lot about them. I saw someone go +47 the other day haha. 51-4 after 2 quarters. Cheat.jpg.....

The unfortunate truth is, NBALM seems to not care so much about lvl gameplay. Idk, i hope to be proven wrong because it needs tweaking, the current gameplay is enough to make people quit the game (people already are, and i know some that are close).


NBA Legend
Staff member
Community Chief
Haha, 500 mil. That tops the SC I saw for 300 mil which I thought was pretty ridiculous.
Tonymatar formerly of illuminati had 300+ mil months ago already just from botting and admitted to that I have no problem with naming names because I hate cheaters the whole "EA ban game guardian hackers" thing is hypocritical of them because they all made careers on cheating by buying coins, buying illegal cash (lots were banned for that last year only for them to buy accounts from people to play again with fromdowntown being one of them), or using gameplay exploits to succeed they love to draw attention to cheating if someone else does it but sweep it under the rug when they do it


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