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Luck/trash shot meter is back.


Rookie 3
on ready some of the comments, i must now agree, that the G(reen) SPOT, promotes more skill


Pro 1
AI didnt have a better offense but it got an aggressive defensive tune up. Just about every shot that youd take was getting heavily contested and/or blocked.

I guess I can't disagree with that as I did get a couple of shots blocked that I didn't use to during the new-meter-era.

But dealing with that is also skill ;)


NBA Legend
Staff member
Community Chief
This is one of the dumbest threads Ive seen. You are delusional. Just about everything you said made no sense. The fact that you think it took some kind of skill to shoot good releases on that nerfed meter w/ nerfed shooting lets me know that you are trash. It was actually alot easier to win showdown matches with that trash meter than it is with the original meter.

If you loved that shot meter then just stock up your lineup with 70 ovr golds and knock yourself out.

No need for this kind of language bro. People can have different ideas and views on things...
No one has an ownership on the truth...

Whatever bro, op wanna talk shit then he should be prepared for the same. Im sorry that I dont know how to talk shit politely lmao.

Take it somewhere else guys


Rookie 1
This is one of the dumbest threads Ive seen. You are delusional. Just about everything you said made no sense. The fact that you think it took some kind of skill to shoot good releases on that nerfed meter w/ nerfed shooting lets me know that you are trash. It was actually alot easier to win showdown matches with that trash meter than it is with the original meter.

If you loved that shot meter then just stock up your lineup with 70 ovr golds and knock yourself out.

No need for this kind of language bro. People can have different ideas and views on things...
No one has an ownership on the truth...

Whatever bro, op wanna talk shit then he should be prepared for the same. Im sorry that I dont know how to talk shit politely lmao.
Cause you are a salty kid and can't face the facts. You already confirmed that you lost more games with the new shot meter than the old one which was my point from the beginning.


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