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Luck/trash shot meter is back.


Rookie 1
Loved the new one before they removed it. Actually exposed the guys that couldn't time the shots correctly and lost even with good teams. Now its all luck based again.


Pro 1
Good to know there's more people who liked the adjusted shot-meter.

Specially the differences in the contested shots were great progress and now that's all reversed.


Rookie 2
Huh? It wasn?t just the shot meter that changed, they also nerfed our Manual Shooting and increased AI. I?m ok rither way But I swear to god a lot of people called that new Shot Meter Trash.

EA Shaking their damned Heads. They add a new one and its trash, they revert to the old one and it?s still trash. ROFL!!


Pro 1
EA Shaking their damned Heads. They add a new one and its trash, they revert to the old one and it?s still trash. ROFL!!

They better get used to people having different opinions xD and maybe not to be so reactive sometimes . The one side that isn't happy is the one that will be loud at a given moment xD

Btw, from what I experienced, the AI was far from shooting better. Got a lot of 9-0 9-2 in hard quarters when my shooting wasn't as good.
With this game you will always have 50% that like a change and 50% that hate it. If I was EA I'd focus on "adding" new features not "changing" current ones. No one would complain about a new dunk, maybe quarterly releases of new dribbling moves, etc.
I don't have an option about shot meters one way or the other but you're in the minority if you say you loved it. Most people hated the change and their general tone of the feedback to EA was that the change wasn't something they asked for. My general feeling is that the community has been whinging too much this season and that the devs are too sensitive compared to past seasons but at least they're listening to us.


Rookie 1
In my opinion the new shot meter they added was good because it required better timing and skill that this one. Of course P2W guys that don't care about grinding will be mad. They aren't used to getting good at games, they just pay their way up.
My only issue with the "green meter" was we got a new meter, that's supposed to change based on defenders closing out/being wide open, but the results of the shots didn't change lol. I missed SOOOO many wide open 3's with Lillard and McGrady with plenty space, perfect release that stayed green and makes the "ching" sound, lol.

It appears now you gotta figure out the sweet spot of releasing it. I found a groove with Harden, was holding it slightly too long at first, even though it would stop smack in the middle of the meter.

Super duper edit: I have no idea what to think of this meter, and the title of this post is starting to look more accurate. Work to get open, release it perfectly, says 67-68 % and clang....so now its just shooting and hoping something good happens.....Back to 80 percent of all shots being layups, I guess lol.


Rookie 2
The main issue is not the new VS old meters, but how EA selected this feature to be prioritized.
To begin with this was not an issue that seemed like a problem needing of attention.
I am sure we can find better ideas of things to improve or fix.
The main issue is not the new VS old meters, but how EA selected this feature to be prioritized.
To begin with this was not an issue that seemed like a problem needing of attention.
I am sure we can find better ideas of things to improve or fix.


The only thing is does EA see the same things we see as problems. Changing AI rebounding must be the most difficult thing to fix or they simply don't see it as needing fixing. One example.


Rookie 2
The problem of the new meter wasn't the "idea" of rewarding players for getting open shot but the fact that it didn't reward anything. All shooting % dropped across the board and even in the insanely rare moments I did get that perfect shot, it was at best 70% hit rate.
If I wanted to suddenly shoot much worse on all my shots, I'd roll out with an all bronze team.


Rookie 2
The problem of the new meter wasn't the "idea" of rewarding players for getting open shot but the fact that it didn't reward anything. All shooting % dropped across the board and even in the insanely rare moments I did get that perfect shot, it was at best 70% hit rate.
If I wanted to suddenly shoot much worse on all my shots, I'd roll out with an all bronze team.

More than that: the AI percentage did not drop as much as the human's


Rookie 1
The problem of the new meter wasn't the "idea" of rewarding players for getting open shot but the fact that it didn't reward anything. All shooting % dropped across the board and even in the insanely rare moments I did get that perfect shot, it was at best 70% hit rate.
If I wanted to suddenly shoot much worse on all my shots, I'd roll out with an all bronze team.
^^^ Exactly.


Pro 1
If I'm scoring 16 instead of 20, while the opponent in his manual quarter dropped from 21 to 12, I do feel rewarded. I'm winning now ?\_(?)_/? The game is always a 1 vs 1. I don't see why scoring less is obviously a synonym of less fun.

And the percentages were the same if you were really open or if you got a fairly open +9 release.

at most, we were basically losing the 11% from dropping from the easy obtainable +20 release and getting a +9 instead in some shots.

Some say the AI got benefited but I don't really see that.

With the new shot-meter I was having fun trying to figure out how and where would I be able to guarantee the +20s instead of the slightly contested +14s. It was something new to understand and figure out and eventually succeed. So I'm disappointed to see it go away.


All-Star 3
I am seeing better AI performances.. I think it might be bcz of my coach as the ai seems to be getting lot more open shots.. lot more fadeways which was not happening a week back.. need to experiment more ...
Well for me is the same bc I can hit green release most of the time, even I hit more shots when the release was tiny and had the green pop up when u hit 20% than now, still missing 79% midrange shots


Rookie 1
In my opinion the new shot meter they added was good because it required better timing and skill that this one. Of course P2W guys that don't care about grinding will be mad. They aren't used to getting good at games, they just pay their way up.

This is one of the dumbest threads Ive seen. You are delusional. Just about everything you said made no sense. The fact that you think it took some kind of skill to shoot good releases on that nerfed meter w/ nerfed shooting lets me know that you are trash. It was actually alot easier to win showdown matches with that trash meter than it is with the original meter.

If you loved that shot meter then just stock up your lineup with 70 ovr golds and knock yourself out.


Rookie 1
If I'm scoring 16 instead of 20, while the opponent in his manual quarter dropped from 21 to 12, I do feel rewarded. I'm winning now ?\_(?)_/? The game is always a 1 vs 1. I don't see why scoring less is obviously a synonym of less fun.

And the percentages were the same if you were really open or if you got a fairly open +9 release.

at most, we were basically losing the 11% from dropping from the easy obtainable +20 release and getting a +9 instead in some shots.

Some say the AI got benefited but I don't really see that.

With the new shot-meter I was having fun trying to figure out how and where would I be able to guarantee the +20s instead of the slightly contested +14s. It was something new to understand and figure out and eventually succeed. So I'm disappointed to see it go away.

With the trash meter the AI didnt have a better offense but it got an aggressive defensive tune up. Just about every shot that youd take was getting heavily contested and/or blocked.


Rookie 2
In my opinion the new shot meter they added was good because it required better timing and skill that this one. Of course P2W guys that don't care about grinding will be mad. They aren't used to getting good at games, they just pay their way up.

This is one of the dumbest threads Ive seen. You are delusional. Just about everything you said made no sense. The fact that you think it took some kind of skill to shoot good releases on that nerfed meter w/ nerfed shooting lets me know that you are trash. It was actually alot easier to win showdown matches with that trash meter than it is with the original meter.

If you loved that shot meter then just stock up your lineup with 70 ovr golds and knock yourself out.

No need for this kind of language bro. People can have different ideas and views on things...
No one has an ownership on the truth...


Rookie 1
In my opinion the new shot meter they added was good because it required better timing and skill that this one. Of course P2W guys that don't care about grinding will be mad. They aren't used to getting good at games, they just pay their way up.

This is one of the dumbest threads Ive seen. You are delusional. Just about everything you said made no sense. The fact that you think it took some kind of skill to shoot good releases on that nerfed meter w/ nerfed shooting lets me know that you are trash. It was actually alot easier to win showdown matches with that trash meter than it is with the original meter.

If you loved that shot meter then just stock up your lineup with 70 ovr golds and knock yourself out.

No need for this kind of language bro. People can have different ideas and views on things...
No one has an ownership on the truth...

Whatever bro, op wanna talk shit then he should be prepared for the same. Im sorry that I dont know how to talk shit politely lmao.


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