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Lost guest accounts


Rookie 3
Seems that i have the worst experience here since the update. Already contacted ea but still no response. Anyone here experienced it before or know a solution? What happened was during the crashing after the maintenance, i uninstalled/reinstalled the app, but when i log-in, all of my guest accounts were gone. I did it before back season 2 but i was able to log-in succesfully so didn?t bother linking them in an fb account when tried the same workaround (i know i should have). Worst case is that ea won?t be able to recover them and start again with bronze players in all star promo or never play this game again.


All-Star 3
Thats some bad luck man.. did u try getting a call from the ea help.. or try contact one of the ea people on reddit or 4katosh discord server
Seems that i have the worst experience here since the update. Already contacted ea but still no response. Anyone here experienced it before or know a solution? What happened was during the crashing after the maintenance, i uninstalled/reinstalled the app, but when i log-in, all of my guest accounts were gone. I did it before back season 2 but i was able to log-in succesfully so didn?t bother linking them in an fb account when tried the same workaround (i know i should have). Worst case is that ea won?t be able to recover them and start again with bronze players in all star promo or never play this game again.

You might need the UID to recover them, I think. They definitely changed something with the app update. Guest accounts used to be tied to the device, once linked to it. Since the update, deleting and reinstalling runs the risk of losing guest accounts. I don't think it happens every time, but it went from never happening to happening like 75% of the time.


Rookie 3
I don?t go to other forum/platform so i don?t know any other ea contact. I don?t have screenshot of my uids but i refer them on my previous tickets so they should find those info there. Maybe will try reaching them through call if my email is not sucessful. Dum...both accounts are at 96 ovr with lots of collectibles to complete one to two legend/fb/impacts/gotw and around 250 unopened bonus packs, so it is really heartbreaking especially that i am looking forward in completing marbury/harden with clutch...haha. Anyway, thanks guys.


All-Star 1
I lost my first account back in season 1 in a similar fashion and since I didn't know my UID, bye bye baby. Are you on iOS or Android? I use Game Center on iOS and a trash google play account on Android for my account. Linked them temporarily with FB so I could get one account on both device types and then unlinked FB. Switching between devices works like a charm now.


Rookie 1
I just lost my account in season 8 which was a guest account. I hadn't linked it so on reinstalling the app I found it gone;vanished. I'm still in pain of the 97 rated team with a level 60 progress. Is there a way to recover it or I gotta start from nothing again😔💔this shit hurts


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