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Live All-Stars Promo


Rookie 2
Yes and if you play your cards right you can get 2 based on the original AS promo this year

We definitely reached during all star however during all star we were given one express player, and those who pulled a 3 point guy or a dunk guy, those can also be added.

As of now im looking at the numbers unless they add more cards as we go, seems very difficult to reach 101 ovr. We have free 5x 96 ovr now, we need another 5x 104 to average 100 (simple average assumed no boost) with boost would still call for 2x 104, and a few 103s.


NBA Legend
Staff member
Community Chief
We definitely reached during all star however during all star we were given one express player, and those who pulled a 3 point guy or a dunk guy, those can also be added.

As of now im looking at the numbers unless they add more cards as we go, seems very difficult to reach 101 ovr. We have free 5x 96 ovr now, we need another 5x 104 to average 100 (simple average assumed no boost) with boost would still call for 2x 104, and a few 103s.
They made a new MVP Dr. J, new ASMVP, used the same exact boosts for the masters as in the other AS promo, used the same layout, etc. So I hunk it's safe to say we will get more cards as well not a guarantee sure but everything else is the same so it's reasonable to see that we'll get more cards plus the live pass cards help a lot as well but that math is flawed because that means the person would go after it the wrong way if they get reserves for every position rather than just PG and SG for the boosts going the route you listed wouldn't be a smart idea at all


Rookie 1
We definitely reached during all star however during all star we were given one express player, and those who pulled a 3 point guy or a dunk guy, those can also be added.

As of now im looking at the numbers unless they add more cards as we go, seems very difficult to reach 101 ovr. We have free 5x 96 ovr now, we need another 5x 104 to average 100 (simple average assumed no boost) with boost would still call for 2x 104, and a few 103s.

Bro, team's overall is not the simple average of player's overall. Don't worry, you'll be able to reach 101 and you don't need 5x104 to attain it


Rookie 1
Bro, team's overall is not the simple average of player's overall. Don't worry, you'll be able to reach 101 and you don't need 5x104 to attain it
To get 101 ovr you need an average of 100.1, unless you have lots of team boosts (but I have seen none in those players).
Anyway, those who have premium live pass have a big advantage: most of them already have 105 Magic, 104 Hakeem and 103 Russ, so getting 101 is not a big deal for them.


Rookie 1
2 seems very tough.. the milestones seem to be +15k from the earlier all star promo.. on the flip side, people with live pass can get all 3.
and there are poor souls like me who traded in their alex english!

I traded him for 103 Bird too. This was totally unexpected :D


NBA Legend
Staff member
Community Chief
the live event stats are lower by 11 for some reason. the earlier pic was from there
Oh ok yeah they love newfangled live event stats on high overall cards but buffing low overall cards to having godly stats


NBA Legend
Staff member
Community Chief
2 seems very tough.. the milestones seem to be +15k from the earlier all star promo.. on the flip side, people with live pass can get all 3.
and there are poor souls like me who traded in their alex english!
Yeah the live pass helps a lot


Rookie 1
Do you guys know if we can have in the same lineup Live pass Hakeem and promo Hakeem or MM Curry and promo Curry?


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