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Larry Bird (Monthly Master)


All-Star 1
Is there any confirmation on the gold "3" tokens carrying forward to next month's master? I assume the only guarantee is unopened bonus packs as the elite 33 tokens surely won't work.


All-Star 1
will make 97, then save just to see
That's what I did. Had 97 for a couple days now and just stockpiling both the gold and elite tokens. I suppose I may get close enough to make the 1k NBA cash pack worthwhile but not sure if it's worth 1 OVR pt. Especially when the next Monthly will likely start at a higher OVR.


All-Star 3
Saw this on reddit..
If u have 100 bird tokens.. and put them in the 100 set .. u can buy the 100 bird for 1500 cash without having 99 bird. One user says he has done it..


All-Star 1
Saw this on reddit..
If u have 100 bird tokens.. and put them in the 100 set .. u can buy the 100 bird for 1500 cash without having 99 bird. One user says he has done it..
Now that's interesting...and you get to keep your current Bird?!


Pro 1
Saw this on reddit..
If u have 100 bird tokens.. and put them in the 100 set .. u can buy the 100 bird for 1500 cash without having 99 bird. One user says he has done it..
Now that's interesting...and you get to keep your current Bird?!


Funny you guys mention this, cause I just threw in my 50 tokens into the 100 set to check if it'd let me claim it. It didn't, but the 98 set did, but for 4500 cash if I recall correctly.

Anyway, worth a shot for the next MM, since the early versions aren't good for much anyway...


Rookie 1
Yes if u have 100 elite bird tokens u can buyout 100 ovr for 1500 cash even without 99 ovr version. Apparently set is coded that way 99 bird as a standalone collectible worth 1500 cash.


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