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Just popped a BIG TICKET on first rep pack.


it?s like it?s my birthday, one of my favorite players of all time

but, lol

Should I try and sell him? I have t seen one online yet and defensive pfs are tough to find.

I would try and get a million so I?m pretty sure it wouldn?t sell.

Any opinions?
Nice! Ive opened 10 of the rep packs and 7 of the coin packs and haven't even pulled a base elite lol! My leaguemates have sold 81+ cards so you shouldn't have a problem. It's the 80s that are not selling
That's awesome! Send some of that luck my way lmao. I wonder if it's truly random and based on percentages, or does the game keep track of how many "elite" cards it's given in packs that had a low chance?


NBA Legend
Staff member
Community Chief
what price do I have to put the elite players to sell it?

This is not related to the post so please don't make posts unrelated to the topic at hand but to answer your question 80 overalls get put on the AH between 50-120k and the other ones you have to look up but even in that price range you're almost guaranteed to not sell the elite
Thanks guys, I held onto it. A good team will help me build for down the road

I have 3accounts, yes I am a little nuts.....but I do hit more cause I am doing it x3

On my one account, I got kawhi claw

Next account, melo and Garnett

Other account, got kawhi claw

This has been a fun week, it?s nice to actually have chances at big cards without spending cash. I don?t know what ea was thinking but maybe they will do it again in a year or so. LOL
Thanks guys, I held onto it. A good team will help me build for down the road

I have 3accounts, yes I am a little nuts.....but I do hit more cause I am doing it x3

On my one account, I got kawhi claw

Next account, melo and Garnett

Other account, got kawhi claw

This has been a fun week, it?s nice to actually have chances at big cards without spending cash. I don?t know what ea was thinking but maybe they will do it again in a year or so. LOL

I've opened at least 10 of them since they were released, and all have been duds. Guessing I maybe due in the next one? I wish I kept track to know exactly how many I've opened. Grinding SD can be a pain, but you at least can steadily get those packs that cost rep.


All-Star 3
Thanks guys, I held onto it. A good team will help me build for down the road

I have 3accounts, yes I am a little nuts.....but I do hit more cause I am doing it x3

On my one account, I got kawhi claw

Next account, melo and Garnett

Other account, got kawhi claw

This has been a fun week, it?s nice to actually have chances at big cards without spending cash. I don?t know what ea was thinking but maybe they will do it again in a year or so. LOL

I've opened at least 10 of them since they were released, and all have been duds. Guessing I maybe due in the next one? I wish I kept track to know exactly how many I've opened. Grinding SD can be a pain, but you at least can steadily get those packs that cost rep.

Same here.. havent pulled anything..


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