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How valuable are season scores?


Rookie 3
I started playing like 2 months before the reset of season 1 and didn't had that much score so i got no elites to kick off season 2. Wondering how much we can get from our season score this season. Any idea guys? Thanks!


All-Star 1
One piece of advice is to check the forum before you make your picks. I remember choosing poorly with my tickets for season 2.


Rookie 1
It maybe gives you a head start for a week if you're not spending cash but ultimately sweet FA if it's anything like this season.
Particularly if they're not fixing the achievements/league glitch which means most people will be max. 150/200.


Rookie 3
I currently have 144 score tickets in my main and 131 in my alt. So probably i will just set up my mind that they will just be golds with maybe 1 or 2 elites...haha. Hopefully they introduce something new aside from player chance pack like wild card token for any future promos/programs or level up tp tokens (if they will keep the training). Thanks for the advise guys.


NBA Legend
Staff member
Community Chief
2 base elites if you're lucky.

^ yep if you're lucky but you're likely to end up with 1 at the most and that is from buying the elite player pack

I agree but I'll go one step further and say 1 base elite if your lucky lol. Most likely 15-50 tickets for an elite pack if we're lucky. Otherwise get ready for packs that have nada.

Well the elite packs cost 100 tickets and give an elite card based on this season's rewards


Pro 1
I started season2 with 84 Draymond, 82 Noel and + 82 Payton Classic, while skipping the elite nba player - I think Noel and Draymond came from triple-double-packs, so It may not be as bad as others suggest.

I had 200/200 though and now I only have 141 xD But in case those two compensation packs from the broken achievements also give a s3 pro pack like the ones in store, it's not too bad. A pro pack was sth around 15 tickets at the start of s2 wasn't it?


NBA Legend
Staff member
Community Chief
I started season2 with 84 Draymond, 82 Noel and + 82 Payton Classic, while skipping the elite nba player - I think Noel and Draymond came from triple-double-packs, so It may not be as bad as others suggest.

I had 200/200 though and now I only have 141 xD But in case those two compensation packs from the broken achievements also give a s3 pro pack like the ones in store, it's not too bad. A pro pack was sth around 15 tickets at the start of s2 wasn't it?

You got very lucky then and yeah I'm pretty sure they were 15 a piece


Rookie 1
It's definitely not worth stressing over getting as many as possible, especially if they aren't even being tallied correctly.


Rookie 3
S2 i had little choice with my 200 tokens, i got the guaranteed elite, then the 'pro packs'..

its a token start gesture, and no need 2 stress over :)


All-Star 1
S2 i had little choice with my 200 tokens, i got the guaranteed elite, then the 'pro packs'..

its a token start gesture, and no need 2 stress over :)
Agree and my recollection was the triple double packs were juiced initially so more of those was often better than the guaranteed elite.


Rookie 1
Packs for tickets are total garbage, not much better than opening 5 pro packs with luck (1 crappy elite + golds/silvers). I don't even remember cards I got from ticket packs cuz one week later they didn't exist in my lineup.

You can have 0 tickets, the only thing you need to start building your S3 team is solid promo.. the sooner the better.


Pro 1
I point out that it may be harder next season to make coins off the AH, so the ?token start gesture? may be worth more than it was this season (since the players you get from it may stick around longer in your lineup/bench).


All-Star 3
I point out that it may be harder next season to make coins off the AH, so the ?token start gesture? may be worth more than it was this season (since the players you get from it may stick around longer in your lineup/bench).

Never know the gold 'glitch' might still be there..lol


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