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How do so many people have magic finished on first day


Rookie 3
Staff member
I'd drop like $20 bucks, If I can pay $35 for a pack for smokes - I don't mind dropping $20 on a game that chips into my free time on the daily...

Anything more than that...

Too much.
I'd drop like $20 bucks, If I can pay $35 for a pack for smokes - I don't mind dropping $20 on a game that chips into my free time on the daily...

Anything more than that...

Too much.
$35!!! That's insane. I pay $1.50 a pack here in Kenya Lol. Though when I used to live in New York I paid about $15. I'd quit if I had to pay $35. :shock:


All-Star 1
Nah Juke, the 91 requires 110. Snowballs. He was right. But it'd be stupid to spend on the 90 anyway if it's free. What's a couple more weeks of waiting. The 90 isnt that amazing
Technically, you're not spending on the 90 unless you stop there. The benefit to spending now is you get to use 90 Magic for a couple weeks. The possible downside is you overspend for the 93.


All-Star 1
Brian just said Magic will be around til Jan 8th. Wasn't sure if that was just sets or if objectives/packs/etc. as well. I'm gonna go re-do my math.....

Edit: quick math tells me that......if all packs, objectives, and Snow pass stick around. You can get the 92 Magic, leaving you 85 Snowballs ($100 worth) away from the 93


Rookie 3
Or don't exchange your snowballs yet. Wait until more people finish the 90 and buy them on ah then start exchanging in the sets from that 90 card. It would give you higher chance of completing the 93 as f2p.
Both snowballs & 92 and under ovr Magic are NOT auctionable.
The only one auctionable is 93 Magic.

The other way it would be too easy :lol:


Rookie 3
Staff member
I'd drop like $20 bucks, If I can pay $35 for a pack for smokes - I don't mind dropping $20 on a game that chips into my free time on the daily...

Anything more than that...

Too much.
$35!!! That's insane. I pay $1.50 a pack here in Kenya Lol. Though when I used to live in New York I paid about $15. I'd quit if I had to pay $35. :shock:

Yeah bro, it was $15 here maybe 15 years ago. It goes up around $4.99 a year now. Almost all of it is tax for the gov.

I went from smoking a pack day to 1 a day maximum 2 on weekends, so it costs me about $35 for 2-3 weeks which is ok.

In my home country (Armenia) a pack costs about 80cents Australian dollar lol.


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