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How do so many people have magic finished on first day


Rookie 1
Glitch? Hack? I mean the only way I see is if all those people paid 700 nba cash for 5 snowballs like 1000 times I just can't figure it out


NBA Legend
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Community Chief
I know at least 1 person that spent only $300 to get him they don't care about spending money whenever they want in this game so they can get the edge and this Magic card has godly AI


Rookie 1
Those people are insane, why would you spend hundreds of dollars on a card that will probably be on your bench in a month?


Rookie 3
what "fun" is it purchasing these cards this early??
these are the same ppl that are week in week out in the top5 of SD..
I have a league mate who spends easily $1000-1500 a month on this game. We keep getting huge league contributions from him every week and he always has all the best players either the day they are released or the next day. It just amazes me that people are willing to blow that amount of cash then rinse and repeat the next season. Even if I was Bill Gates rich I don't think I'd ever do that.
That's how some people just are with things, lol. Something new comes, "gotta have it", lol. Want to be one of the first. Cars, clothes, videos games, all the same. I can't blame em, if I had it I'd do it too, lol. Saves a ton of time, and that's just one of the pros of spending..... Instead I'm auto playing season mode or playing legend campaigns to save stamina lol. :mrgreen: :mrgreen:


Rookie 1
If i were rich enough to blow a grand a month on a mobile game i'd like to think i could come up with more interesting ways to spend the money tbh


All-Star 3
That's how some people just are with things, lol. Something new comes, "gotta have it", lol. Want to be one of the first. Cars, clothes, videos games, all the same. I can't blame em, if I had it I'd do it too, lol. Saves a ton of time, and that's just one of the pros of spending..... Instead I'm auto playing season mode or playing legend campaigns to save stamina lol. :mrgreen: :mrgreen:

Same here..lol.. just had a 45-0 autoplay season...
That's how some people just are with things, lol. Something new comes, "gotta have it", lol. Want to be one of the first. Cars, clothes, videos games, all the same. I can't blame em, if I had it I'd do it too, lol. Saves a ton of time, and that's just one of the pros of spending..... Instead I'm auto playing season mode or playing legend campaigns to save stamina lol. :mrgreen: :mrgreen:

Same here..lol.. just had a 45-0 autoplay season...

Oh wow, lol. I'm using my shooting lineup so they've allowed I think 10-15 some games but they seem to score much more lol.
If i were rich enough to blow a grand a month on a mobile game i'd like to think i could come up with more interesting ways to spend the money tbh

:mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:

I agree, but I also imagine that if I was able to comfortably spend 1K a month on this game, I'd have a lot of free time to do a bunch of other things instead of the grind that's required at times lol. Can you imagine? every saturday, "well, i'm gonna need this legend, here's 100 bucks". (along with all the extra tokens that help build set legends so it's not a HORRIBLE deal). or something like "well, I really need that whiteside to 88. here's 30 bucks on store packs lol " (30 is just a random number, it may cost more or less i haven't added). all the time most spend on grinding events, competely gone most of the time lol. Kinda like a QJB video but every day, log in, buy the stuff and play what you want. i don't even know if i'd call it being lazy because the super spenders usually grind showdown with passion and that's not super easy, even with an OP team. (easier, yes)
You actually have to thank them.

It's them keeping the game running for f2p players.

This is so true. Every game needs "whales" to be profitable. Anyone remember that dude (article was posted on nbalive.gg) that spent $70,000 on a mobile game...if you don't here is the links:
I've read so many articles like this of people spending anywhere from thousands a month to 10s of thousands. No wonder a game can make $2.5 million a day!


Rookie 3
Actually you can afford a 90ovr magic right away even if you are f2p if you have 8400nba cash saved and really want that magic card. 5 snowballs x 12 = 60 snowballs enough to complete the 90.
Actually you can afford a 90ovr magic right away even if you are f2p if you have 8400nba cash saved and really want that magic card. 5 snowballs x 12 = 60 snowballs enough to complete the 90.
I believe your math is off. If you want the 90 immediately you would need 110 snowballs. This would require someone to buy 22 of the 700 cash packs which equals 15,400 NBA cash. If you want the 93 immediately you would have to buy 57 packs for 285 snowballs which equals 39,900 NBA cashl


All-Star 1
Nah Juke, the 91 requires 110. Snowballs. He was right. But it'd be stupid to spend on the 90 anyway if it's free. What's a couple more weeks of waiting. The 90 isnt that amazing


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