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Pro 2
I’m 20 points away from finding out who the 6 draft pick is. Would know already, but.... I’ll let u know in 4 hours.
I won't spend large sums of money ever in this game if a don't see the nerfing removed from pvp matches.
When my 109 team can most of the time easily beat a 110 team but struggles to beat a 105 team, spending money for higher ovr is looking to be fooled.
This is why I’m now playing 110 instead of 111. At 111 when playing a 109 or 108 I’m suddenly at a disadvantage half the time. At 110 I have no problem.


Rookie 1
As a newer player, this event was pretty hard with most of my street team at 75 but thankfully a few early rewards got some nicknames that were much higher. Is that 75 stamina event missing the first win bonus in the beginning of a day intentional?


All-Star 3
As a newer player, this event was pretty hard with most of my street team at 75 but thankfully a few early rewards got some nicknames that were much higher. Is that 75 stamina event missing the first win bonus in the beginning of a day intentional?
Yes its intentional
Has been that way in past street promos


Rookie 3
Anyone already try gervin ? Him great ? Think would buy him when the price fall
I benched Carter for him. He shoots more consistently and is harder to steal from, while pretty good at stealing himself.

He's kind of a goof on defense though. Often wanders around, not guarding anyone. Happens in offense too, sometimes, but a lot more on defense.

Overall a pretty good card, but Iverson is better.


Rookie 3
Decided to spend 135,000 red stars and 200 NBA cash to get to 71,000 points and earn the nickname pack before the promo ends. Seems like the right choice, since I pulled Wilkins!

What can I get for him in AH? I already have Tatum and Dr. J as main players and LeBron and Porter for the bench, so I won't be using him. I've only seen him in the AH a few times, so it's hard to gauge a price point..

Or am I a total moron and is this not Dominique Wilkins? A lot of these nicknames seem a little farfetched. There's two or three "mamba's", and Kobe isn't even in the game!


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NBA Legend
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Decided to spend 135,000 red stars and 200 NBA cash to get to 71,000 points and earn the nickname pack before the promo ends. Seems like the right choice, since I pulled Wilkins!

What can I get for him in AH? I already have Tatum and Dr. J as main players and LeBron and Porter for the bench, so I won't be using him. I've only seen him in the AH a few times, so it's hard to gauge a price point..

Or am I a total moron and is this not Dominique Wilkins? A lot of these nicknames seem a little farfetched. There's two or three "mamba's", and Kobe isn't even in the game!
I think 2 mil is what I always saw him at on the AH but try for more and work down


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