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Help with list of Halloween cards


Rookie 1
Reaper golds
79 - olynyk
78 - Teague
78 - Reggie Jackson
77 - josh Jackson
77 - Kent bazemore

Any know. 80s for reaper room yet?


Pro 1
Do you guys know if we can pull 83 KD from the exchange set? Haven't see anyone on AH yet.

I'm guessing it's store-packs only. Or maybe a very very luck pull in the events of the master room.

I guess the amount of those elites in the AH will be higher if the exchange route was a possibility and I basically see one Cassel in the whole AH.


Pro 1
both sets of new golds are fully listed now.

From reapers I guess it's only missing the 83 Monster. For master-related elites there are likely 4 left to find.


Rookie 1
Still don?t know how to get 85 rozier yet right? I have yet to see one on the AH, in showdown or lvl. Is there some thought that maybe there will be a master set where these new Halloween master golds will be required for them?


Pro 1
James Johnson and Marc Gasol added to the 'wildcard elites'. There is probably another 80 and an 83 w boost missing.


Pro 1
Did anyone ever see Durant in the AH? Randle was the other wildcard 83 - center with block boost.

And never found the other wildcard 80 besides Pope and James Johnson
Did anyone ever see Durant in the AH? Randle was the other wildcard 83 - center with block boost.

And never found the other wildcard 80 besides Pope and James Johnson

Speaking of boosts, is anyone else unimpressed by the boosts of Wilt and Isaiah? TO masters and only give a +1 boost to be on the bench??? Seems pointless lol....When we get to the point of putting wilt and isaih as bench players, what good is +1 obd and post gonna do? It's obviously better than no boost, and it's still early....


All-Star 3
Did anyone ever see Durant in the AH? Randle was the other wildcard 83 - center with block boost.

And never found the other wildcard 80 besides Pope and James Johnson

Speaking of boosts, is anyone else unimpressed by the boosts of Wilt and Isaiah? TO masters and only give a +1 boost to be on the bench??? Seems pointless lol....When we get to the point of putting wilt and isaih as bench players, what good is +1 obd and post gonna do? It's obviously better than no boost, and it's still early....

Brian aaid future players will have more boosts.. i think the impact players have +2 boosts.. but not sure


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