Rookie 1
Not a shocker. S3 is led by a bunch of newbs (to not say idiots), you can see that from first days. What they're doing this season = facepalm. The only good guy on this team is the graphic designer, really nice stuff for all the promos.. the rest should be gone right after S3.Whether you agree with them doing this....the reason it's so fecked...... Is that there is ZERO communication about it. Those of us that use the forums can barely figure out what's going on with AH. What about the ppl who don't know where to get info & just think the game is busted? Things like this make me hate EA
Kinda OT, but Just few I remember for now:
1."Master" Embiid - he became garbage before players had any chance to claim 82 version, wasn't even good bench card for semi-active players.
2.Road to MVP Harden - masters of planning strike again.. didn't even release 3rd and final part of this promo to this day.. no comments.
3.AH bullshit - they wanted to control it but couldn't find a way how to do it to not ruin the fun for all and at the end they destroyed good part of NBALM completely. What a joke.
4.Showdown nonsense - people were playing this semi-scripted mode for good rewards and that was biggest reason why we all wanted to have highest possible overall and best cards (instead the ones we love the most like it was in S1), to have a better chance to win in SD, but then they decided to make SD rewards worthless, so you grind like crazy or spend money for great cards and at the end you start thinking why? One of the reasons people can't even keep some great cards for too long is becasue they made unfair system where team with 1 or 2 higher overall is playing like currys and durants on steroids, but 1-2 lower is total garbage cuz 94ov vs 92ov feels like 94 vs 80.. instead of making higher overall team a bit better, they made it unstoppable machine, doesn't really matter how good or bad shooter is, if team overall is higher their shooting effectiveness is close to special ability. Thats why we see so many teams with almost the same cards, cuz players are forced to switch for highest overall cards ASAP.. and all that for their 'amazing' legend rewards. If I'm 92 playing vs 94 then 96 Harden can destroy me alone, but the same Harden can't do a thing against me if overal is 90 or lower. Even if the lineup is full of 95-96 players with amazing skills, AI play like trash if overall is 2(or more) lower than mine..
5.Jerseys BS - Wow.. I didn't play SD for some time and now I've noticed almost every team is playing in different jerseys cuz they have small boost. Cavs fans are playing in GS jerseys, Boston fans in LAL jerseys etc.. my opponents are playing in wrong jerseys and it's not even worst, the worst is they are playing in exactly the same colours like me.. WTF.. red vs red, white vs white, in fast play I can't even recognize who is who. All that mess to suck some more money in the store. Unbelievable.
6. Leagues - I never played in the league cuz in S1 there was a lot of bugs that led to cheating. I was waiting for some good news about the leagues in S2 but even showdown was better.. and then, in S3, instead of making it the greatest mode in the game, they made rewards worst ever and did nothing to stop people from cheating all the way. Amazing.
Who cares if good cards in most of promos are grindable? There is no single mode in this game that could make you feel it's all worth your free time or money (or both). Really sad.
There is a lot more bad things to post about S3 but I can't even remember all, it's just too much..