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Having Trouble Selling Ghost Durant


Rookie 1
I?ve posted the ghost Durant card a couple times now for a fair price, but surprisingly, I haven?t been able to sell him. I also haven?t seen any ghosts cards on the ah for a while now so I?m not sure if that?s part of my issue of not being able to sell Durant or not. Do any of you guys know what Durant usually goes for? Thanks!


Rookie 1
I?ve posted the ghost Durant card a couple times now for a fair price, but surprisingly, I haven?t been able to sell him. I also haven?t seen any ghosts cards on the ah for a while now so I?m not sure if that?s part of my issue of not being able to sell Durant or not. Do any of you guys know what Durant usually goes for? Thanks!

Try selling him for 2.7 mil BIN... per Stewie, this is around the max 94 overall. I?m having the same problem as well so I?m going to post for 2.7 BIN


Rookie 1
I?ve posted the ghost Durant card a couple times now for a fair price, but surprisingly, I haven?t been able to sell him. I also haven?t seen any ghosts cards on the ah for a while now so I?m not sure if that?s part of my issue of not being able to sell Durant or not. Do any of you guys know what Durant usually goes for? Thanks!

Try selling him for 2.7 mil BIN... per Stewie, this is around the max 94 overall. I?m having the same problem as well so I?m going to post for 2.7 BIN

Is 2.7 mil the bid price or the buy now price?


Rookie 1
I?ve posted the ghost Durant card a couple times now for a fair price, but surprisingly, I haven?t been able to sell him. I also haven?t seen any ghosts cards on the ah for a while now so I?m not sure if that?s part of my issue of not being able to sell Durant or not. Do any of you guys know what Durant usually goes for? Thanks!

Try selling him for 2.7 mil BIN... per Stewie, this is around the max 94 overall. I?m having the same problem as well so I?m going to post for 2.7 BIN

Is 2.7 mil the bid price or the buy now price?

It would be the buy it now price


All-Star 1
I dont think those #s work anymore. The geniuses at EA screwed with the Caps again. I heard the cap on 96 is 2 mil now. Idk if that's legit or not but there are no 96 above that unless the listing was originally for 24 hours or more. That's why there's not much above 94 at all in my AH at the moment. Nobody knows what the Caps are & who wants to risk going too low?


Rookie 1
I dont think those #s work anymore. The geniuses at EA screwed with the Caps again. I heard the cap on 96 is 2 mil now. Idk if that's legit or not but there are no 96 above that unless the listing was originally for 24 hours or more. That's why there's not much above 94 at all in my AH at the moment. Nobody knows what the Caps are & who wants to risk going too low?

Wow bro that?s crazy, they need to fix these problems ASAP! Yea they are ?geniuses? all right. Smh


All-Star 1
I don't think it's a problem for anyone but us. Theyve done it several times....change the Caps & let us flounder while we figure out what the new numbers are. I feel bad for anyone who wanted to make $ off Harden OR anyone who bought him for 3.5 mil+ when they'll be half that price now.


NBA Legend
Staff member
Community Chief
The caps are now at 1.5 mil for 96s so 94s are lower than that you're better off keeping him
So, he said this a few weeks ago, but I guess we may be seeing some of it come true?


  • new caps.jpg
    new caps.jpg
    27.7 KB · Views: 829


NBA Legend
Staff member
Community Chief
So, he said this a few weeks ago, but I guess we may be seeing some of it come true?

It definitely came true the caps were cut by about 1/3 for each one for 94+ cards the 94s are about 800k the 95s are about 1.1 mil and the 96s are about 1.5 mil I didn't look for anything else but that was cut too


Rookie 1
It definitely came true the caps were cut by about 1/3 for each one for 94+ cards the 94s are about 800k the 95s are about 1.1 mil and the 96s are about 1.5 mil I didn't look for anything else but that was cut too

thx for the info, stewie

but who will sell his ghost durant for only 800K?? smh


NBA Legend
Staff member
Community Chief
It definitely came true the caps were cut by about 1/3 for each one for 94+ cards the 94s are about 800k the 95s are about 1.1 mil and the 96s are about 1.5 mil I didn't look for anything else but that was cut too

thx for the info, stewie

but who will sell his ghost durant for only 800K?? smh

You're welcome and yeah that makes him a keeper card now I didn't like him in December but for 800k I would try him again lol


Pro 1
So, he said this a few weeks ago, but I guess we may be seeing some of it come true?

It definitely came true the caps were cut by about 1/3 for each one for 94+ cards the 94s are about 800k the 95s are about 1.1 mil and the 96s are about 1.5 mil I didn't look for anything else but that was cut too

The ?hot? cards mentioned are golds and possibily lower elites too. I don?t think the highest ovr cards are a problem for EA or anyone else.


Rookie 1
I can not sell Lauri Ghost anymore. Max prices for 94s must be 700-800k. So sad. I bought lauri for 2.9m.


NBA Legend
Staff member
Community Chief
So, he said this a few weeks ago, but I guess we may be seeing some of it come true?

It definitely came true the caps were cut by about 1/3 for each one for 94+ cards the 94s are about 800k the 95s are about 1.1 mil and the 96s are about 1.5 mil I didn't look for anything else but that was cut too

The ?hot? cards mentioned are golds and possibily lower elites too. I don?t think the highest ovr cards are a problem for EA or anyone else.

The hot cards weren't the reason why they dropped the high overall cards they sell coins as toppers for one or bundles having cheaper cards makes those toppers more useful and they get to manipulate the market


Rookie 1
Are the prices you are talking about (example 800k for 94s) the Buy now price ?
Also, how much should I try to sell my 96 Walton for ? Been trying to sell him for a few days...


NBA Legend
Staff member
Community Chief
Are the prices you are talking about (example 800k for 94s) the Buy now price ?
Also, how much should I try to sell my 96 Walton for ? Been trying to sell him for a few days...

Yes that's the max buy now price they show up for so you have to take off about 10-15% to get the price needed for your card to mirror and have a realistic chance to sell so a 96 the max they sell for is 1.5 so try about 1.3 mil for it to show up
Brian said weeks ago that 4M is gonna be the top price cap for the whole season. The top ovr promo players will have the max cap. The lower ovrs will be readjusted continuously.

So if your only objective in the game is make coins, sell the masters ASAP, buy them again weeks later for much much less.


All-Star 1
Brian said weeks ago that 4M is gonna be the top price cap for the whole season. The top ovr promo players will have the max cap. The lower ovrs will be readjusted continuously.

So if your only objective in the game is make coins, sold the masters ASAP, buy then again weeks later for much much less.

Whether you agree with them doing this....the reason it's so fecked...... Is that there is ZERO communication about it. Those of us that use the forums can barely figure out what's going on with AH. What about the ppl who don't know where to get info & just think the game is busted? Things like this make me hate EA


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