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Harden tokens?


Rookie 3
That next time would be next year...haha. Anyway, folks who will have him only have few weeks to play with the card, maybe 2 min a day next season. But even though, will still try to get him, im just lack in league and titan tokens.


All-Star 1
That next time would be next year...haha. Anyway, folks who will have him only have few weeks to play with the card, maybe 2 min a day next season. But even though, will still try to get him, im just lack in league and titan tokens.

I hope I?m wrong but I have a feeling that the lineup lock and end of season 2 will be on different dates...even weeks to a month apart.
That next time would be next year...haha. Anyway, folks who will have him only have few weeks to play with the card, maybe 2 min a day next season. But even though, will still try to get him, im just lack in league and titan tokens.

I hope I?m wrong but I have a feeling that the lineup lock and end of season 2 will be on different dates...even weeks to a month apart.

Ummm It's confirmed that the next showdown season is the last one. The reset is early-mid September.

You could do nothing with locked lineups & no showdown


All-Star 1
That next time would be next year...haha. Anyway, folks who will have him only have few weeks to play with the card, maybe 2 min a day next season. But even though, will still try to get him, im just lack in league and titan tokens.

I hope I?m wrong but I have a feeling that the lineup lock and end of season 2 will be on different dates...even weeks to a month apart.

Ummm It's confirmed that the next showdown season is the last one. The reset is early-mid September.

You could do nothing with locked lineups & no showdown
So you mean it will be like the end of last season ;)
I hope I?m wrong but I have a feeling that the lineup lock and end of season 2 will be on different dates...even weeks to a month apart.

Ummm It's confirmed that the next showdown season is the last one. The reset is early-mid September.

You could do nothing with locked lineups & no showdown
So you mean it will be like the end of last season ;)

Last season I was building Ultimate Legends, improving my ovr until they closed the AH outta nowhere. I was kinda entertained.
This season i dont have the millions to build more pantheon masters so it would be boring for me.


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