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Halloween promo: Status check

Re: Holloween promo: Status check

I've done the exchange twice today and I really thought I'd handle neither being Room 3 a bit better. Quite disappointing. Obviously not the end of the world, but I had hope that maybe, just maybe I'd get a little lucky and go 1/2. Others have gone 2/2, maybe that's my luck tomorrow.


All-Star 1
Re: Holloween promo: Status check

The promo finishes on 11/3 at 7 an eastern.

I finished Davis on my alt and now I'm trying to recoup my losses. I did snipe one of the reaper elites but I'm too old to spend all day hitting refresh or getting into bidding wars so I overpaid.

I decided to quit at Sprewell on my main. He gives me a nice boost to an 85 OVR and I made a profit on the promo so I'm happy with that.

I was thinking about quitting but the easy Master key has suckered me in...
Re: Holloween promo: Status check

I rushed Davis to get him before Halloween, If you take it easy you can build him for half the price that I spent.


All-Star 1
Re: Holloween promo: Status check

I rushed Davis to get him before Halloween, If you take it easy you can build him for half the price that I spent.

I want him before Halloween as well so I can use him in a boosted lineup for SD. I?ll finish him tomorrow and just sell everything else I get.


Rookie 3
Re: Holloween promo: Status check

I got room3 elite on my first elite pull. I will try my luck maybe 3 more times then will get the rest of elites through ah or rep points.


All-Star 3
Re: Holloween promo: Status check

Got a room 1 nd room 2 elites on exchange.. turned in all my rep and sniped golds and rushed to complete AD. just playing it slow on my alt as pulled other room elites there too...


Rookie 1
Re: Holloween promo: Status check

Grinded Room 1 and 2 for Sprewell and Kawhi, did the exchange and got lucky. After the AH was fixed, sold some Tip off heroes and sniped Room 3 golds and grinded showdown for Wallace. Overall good promo for me.


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