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Halloween promo: Status check


Rookie 3
Already got sprewell and kawhi, got 4 more holloween elites (elite exchange dups, to be used for davis), 4 80ovr elites to be trade in (4 more 81ovr in case i have to), 400k coins (started with around 350k), and 800k reps. I think i have a chance on that davis with maybe 1 more week of this promo. Just following combinations of suggestions here - grind showdown and just play campaign for 1st win, sell golds then buy elites, trade 80 ovr for holloween elites and grinded the tipoff when it was still up for silver to gold/gold to elite sets. Hopefully the last 2 rooms will have the same format as the first 2 though (less difficulty level of the challenges)

How are you guys doing?


All-Star 3
Re: Holloween promo: Status check

you bought the elites for sprewell?

im one elite short of getting him (all from the elite exchange set) ...

but i think ill run short of elites if i dont get lucky with pulls or dont make showdown goals (which i think i will)...

how much are u selling the golds for?


Rookie 3
Re: Holloween promo: Status check

I made the elite exchange 4 times for sprewell. Got 2 room2 elites, became impatient so i bought the other 3 in ah so i can have the sd bonus already with 85ovr lineup. I'm posting my golds for 5k bid then buy now 10k. Not all are getting sold, maybe 4 or 5 out of 10 but i keep on posting. Having a stock of 80 elites is important, i think i got lucky on pro pack from league and sd rewards and get loose pro pack as i already pulled 4 or 5 elites from them. You can still get elite on day 7 from daily login and the last achievements on each of league rewards has a guaranteed elite (already got 1 from them).


All-Star 1
Re: Holloween promo: Status check

I've got Kawhi and Sprewell (pretty pleased with him btw). Got 4 room2 elites from the exchange and did the gold set for the 5th. I have 3 extra Halloween elites for AD. About 14 elites in inventory that I can put in the exchange and 700k in the bank. Need to start selling the room 1 golds to make some coin before its too late. May have to buy some Halloween elites if I don't get lucky on the exchange for the next 2 rooms. But in better shape than I thought I'd be considering the exchange spits out random Halloween elites....


All-Star 3
Re: Holloween promo: Status check

I made the elite exchange 4 times for sprewell. Got 2 room2 elites, became impatient so i bought the other 3 in ah so i can have the sd bonus already with 85ovr lineup. I'm posting my golds for 5k bid then buy now 10k. Not all are getting sold, maybe 4 or 5 out of 10 but i keep on posting. Having a stock of 80 elites is important, i think i got lucky on pro pack from league and sd rewards and get loose pro pack as i already pulled 4 or 5 elites from them. You can still get elite on day 7 from daily login and the last achievements on each of league rewards has a guaranteed elite (already got 1 from them).
K thanks.. I'll try those bid/buy
Re: Holloween promo: Status check

I?ve pulled two Terror elites on my alt and one on my main. Fortunately, I have been able to sell the 80 OVR Nightmares. The 81s are impossible to sell. I will probably pursue the promo on my alt since I have over a million coins now.


Pro 1
Re: Holloween promo: Status check

Got Kawhi and 3/5 elites for Sprewell... 1x80 and 2x81. Not doing anything untill I find out for how much I will be able to sell the 81?s.


Rookie 1
Re: Holloween promo: Status check

I see everyone is optimistic about their luck from the exchange set so far. How do you feel it will be when the 3rd and then the 4th rooms come out and you?re chances of getting the room specific elites from the exchange are 1/3 or 1/4. I think it will be very frustrating when you pull 3 straight room1/2 elites that you don?t need and can?t sell


Rookie 1
Re: Holloween promo: Status check

Got Kawhi and Sprewell and left with 50k coins.

My reason to push through for AD is that I have plenty of 81-83 Halloween Elites and Tip off Heroes to be sell when the 29th come.

Hoping I can sell them or else I?m stucked again with 2 players that I really don?t need for my line - up once again.

Hope AD is like a ?Wilt Chamberlain? kind of player that I really love now in my line up, if he is not then he is not worth the grind for me.


Rookie 1
Re: Holloween promo: Status check

I haven't grinded this promo all that much but I've gotten Kawhi and a couple other elites, plus made some coins. I'm not going for AD and I have no interest in Sprewell or Wallace but I do want that Rozier, so I'll probably just stockpile resources until his set comes out.


Pro 1
Re: Holloween promo: Status check

I'm going all the way towards Davis.

Built Kawhi and kept it since I was liking Leonard's OSM card and Giannis wasn't doing so well.

Built Sprewell early. Put Sprewell for sale without expecting it to sell, but it did. And while that sale felt like a minor victory I kinda wanted to keep the card for Showdown bonus and ovr, so I ended picking it back later from the AH, so I basically lost the tax but no big deal xD And the SD progress was a lot easier so it was worth it, even if it loses some value in a couple of days.

5 halloween elites for AD are ready. And I also have Jokic in the LU bench for bonus and Roberson to try to sell without success.

If it's Wallace asking for 5 elites and a Rozier asking for 5 more again, it will be fine for me.

After the SD grind, Rep stock is at 950k. Coins are pretty much the same as the start of the promo.


All-Star 3
Re: Holloween promo: Status check

I'm also going for AD.. but dont know if I'll get there.. I need Wallace so will complete him (assuming the set is kind to me) .. rozier I should be able to build him.. but hope I can sell him off..

Me getting AD I guess depends on how the AH functions .. if I'm able to sell some cards then should be able to build AD.

The wild card I feel right now is assuming were able to sell cards after tmr .. will the price of 80 ovr promo elites still stay at 45-60k
Re: Holloween promo: Status check

I finished Sprewell on my alt and I?m up around 300k since the promo began. The problem is that I don?t have a stockpile of elites. I guess I?ll need to continue the promo via the AH.


All-Star 3
Re: Holloween promo: Status check

I finished Sprewell on my alt and I?m up around 300k since the promo began. The problem is that I don?t have a stockpile of elites. I guess I?ll need to continue the promo via the AH.
I'm in a similar situation in my alt.. hope my few extre elites sell from tmr.. but no base elites left..


All-Star 1
Re: Holloween promo: Status check

I finished Sprewell on my alt and I?m up around 300k since the promo began. The problem is that I don?t have a stockpile of elites. I guess I?ll need to continue the promo via the AH.
I'm in a similar situation in my alt.. hope my few extre elites sell from tmr.. but no base elites left..
I decided to finish Sprewell by purchasing the last two elites instead of trading them in. Reason was two-fold: 1) He got me to 85 in SD and 2) who knows what awaits us with the AH changes on Monday. Logic would have us believe that prices should only go down since the market will be flooded with cards people haven?t been able to sell but obviously I didn?t trust EA would do the logical thing! ;) Who?s taking bets against whatever they do to the AH it will be worse than before?! Haha...my money is ready!
Re: Holloween promo: Status check

The promo finishes on 11/3 at 7 an eastern.

I finished Davis on my alt and now I'm trying to recoup my losses. I did snipe one of the reaper elites but I'm too old to spend all day hitting refresh or getting into bidding wars so I overpaid.

I decided to quit at Sprewell on my main. He gives me a nice boost to an 85 OVR and I made a profit on the promo so I'm happy with that.


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