Already got sprewell and kawhi, got 4 more holloween elites (elite exchange dups, to be used for davis), 4 80ovr elites to be trade in (4 more 81ovr in case i have to), 400k coins (started with around 350k), and 800k reps. I think i have a chance on that davis with maybe 1 more week of this promo. Just following combinations of suggestions here - grind showdown and just play campaign for 1st win, sell golds then buy elites, trade 80 ovr for holloween elites and grinded the tipoff when it was still up for silver to gold/gold to elite sets. Hopefully the last 2 rooms will have the same format as the first 2 though (less difficulty level of the challenges)
How are you guys doing?
How are you guys doing?