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Gettin Shaq'

Is it doable without dropping more than $20 real cash?

I want to get it but keep thinking what if my picks are wrong.. what to do with the nom items?


NBA Legend
Staff member
Community Chief
How many tokens do you have or have used already? That determines what your odds of finishing it for free


Rookie 3
Staff member
No, they've removed it..maybe they will bring it back.. who knows.. Been suggested to hold on to the tokens for now.. see what happens... EA never fail to perform...


Rookie 1
This is what EA's customer support told me. Hopefully enough people complain so they fix this mistake:

Thank you for contacting EA help. My name is Sheetal and I would assist you with your issue today.

I realize that you want to claim the Shaq set. I'll try my best to help you out with the best possible solution.

I would inform you that this event has been closed now.


Rookie 3
Staff member
This is what EA's customer support told me. Hopefully enough people complain so they fix this mistake:

Thank you for contacting EA help. My name is Sheetal and I would assist you with your issue today.

I realize that you want to claim the Shaq set. I'll try my best to help you out with the best possible solution.

I would inform you that this event has been closed now.


Rookie 3
This is what EA's customer support told me. Hopefully enough people complain so they fix this mistake:

Thank you for contacting EA help. My name is Sheetal and I would assist you with your issue today.

I realize that you want to claim the Shaq set. I'll try my best to help you out with the best possible solution.

I would inform you that this event has been closed now.

lmao :lol:


Rookie 1
Yup. You know you're dealing with a world class organization when the customer service can't even type a grammatically correct sentence. Patience... running... thin......


NBA Legend
Staff member
Community Chief
Claimed and sold for 10.5 mil. Pretty good considering he was almost free to build.

Luckily I got mine sold within half an hour of posting that on this thread for 11,111,112 (10 mil exactly after tax) so I feel very happy with the results


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