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Gameplay style lineups are here

Re: Gameplay style lineups coming tomorrow

I just went for 79s or 78s on the bench if I had a hole or 2, since they're at a season low price wise. Obviously having 5 78s and 79s on the bench can definitely affect the lineup ovr but if you're only plugging 1-2 golds really it's not much different than having an 80 vs a 78-79....It's always nice to say it's an "all elite lineup" but it's not worth spending 200K to build 3 benches in my opinion, but of course that depends on how much coin you have saved.


Pro 1
Re: Gameplay style lineups coming tomorrow

Guys dont put in to much coin into the lineups as

1. They don't affect your total ovr

2. Will be used only in campaigns for the first month..

until they come up with high ovr requirements for those campaigns :lol: (like the 83 for Isiah during tip-off)
Re: Gameplay style lineups coming tomorrow

Yeah, since there are four Masters and two campaigns, I think edlllpt is onto something here. Especially since Brian said that Harvest would be similar to Tip-Off. Folks will also start targeting your weakest lineup in LvL when the app update drops in December. It wouldn't surprise me if there were SD bonuses for specific lineups either.
Re: Gameplay style lineups coming tomorrow

Yeah, "play with the ________ lineup" for the SD bonus is something I can see happening.


Rookie 3
Re: Gameplay style lineups coming tomorrow

Guys dont put in to much coin into the lineups as

1. They don't affect your total ovr

2. Will be used only in campaigns for the first month..

how ive viewed the "purchases":

1. may affect the ovr

2. saved for when the prices rise :)


All-Star 1
Re: Gameplay style lineups coming tomorrow

I think it's a perfectly good idea to fill out your lienup with base elites as long as you're not going broke to do it. Worst case scenario is that you don't need them for OVR and you've got extra elites sitting around. They'll come in handy for an exchange at some point. And they're pretty cheap right now.


NBA Legend
Staff member
Community Chief
Re: Gameplay style lineups coming tomorrow

Guys dont put in to much coin into the lineups as

1. They don't affect your total ovr

2. Will be used only in campaigns for the first month..

Yep which is why my team is just full of elites starting and the highest golds on bench


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