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Flashback and legend temporary gone or permanent?


Rookie 3
Been saving for quite a bit.. but finally statted using stuff.. the wau this season has been going the legends/flashbacks etc will always be a let down.. and if they release ULs i wouldnt be surprised if they release a promo the same week with similar ovr free player..lol
Got screwed with the get loose event. Saved 90+ tokens.. now no set to redeem them.. lets c what happens

As they are using formulas of the past, saving I think will be the key again as it was last season.
Have over 800 unopened packs, haven't completed a single Legend or FB set, and am assuming that the ULs will be along these lines, Legend proved this with the 1st UL coming this week.
LvL UL should come from the LvL tokens.. so that should be 3.. can't remember all from S2


All-Star 3
As they are using formulas of the past, saving I think will be the key again as it was last season.
Have over 800 unopened packs, haven't completed a single Legend or FB set, and am assuming that the ULs will be along these lines, Legend proved this with the 1st UL coming this week.
LvL UL should come from the LvL tokens.. so that should be 3.. can't remember all from S2
U could be right..
Have no idea what to do with tokens for now. Wellc c


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