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Flashback and legend temporary gone or permanent?


All-Star 1
Where did you get this information?
I just saw it on discord. FB is stamina free but not Legends. Supposedly high OVR players for every position coming tomorrow as well. Not Legends since they are still 101. Maybe GOTW but no details. FB is an SG.


Rookie 2
We will get daily legend token. Then there's ultimate legend steve Nash for completing 10 legends.
Tho not sure if old tokens still useful


NBA Legend
Staff member
Community Chief
Saw that in another site. Any admin to post the same here?
I saw it as well but since it is coming in a mere 2 hours I decided to not post it because it's pretty straight forward in game so nothing to really help people understand


Rookie 2
I saw it as well but since it is coming in a mere 2 hours I decided to not post it because it's pretty straight forward in game so nothing to really help people understand

Thanks. Would you know what happens to old legend token? Do they become new one automatically? I missed that part


NBA Legend
Staff member
Community Chief
Thanks. Would you know what happens to old legend token? Do they become new one automatically? I missed that part
Didn't hear anything about that sadly but I changed my mind and I'm currently uploading the revamp and legend stuff


Rookie 3
One would hope the 40+ FB tokens I'd saved up return also..
I've been a real squirrel saving all my nuts for ULs in the various programs..


NBA Legend
Staff member
Community Chief
One would hope the 40+ FB tokens I'd saved up return also..
I've been a real squirrel saving all my nuts for ULs in the various programs..
Wait they took the tokens that we're put in the sets too wow I didn't even pay attention to that now that's really fucked up no wonder people were so mad


Rookie 3
I shat myself yesterday.. forget that the event was flawed.. and sets dissapeared.. had 52 plat FB tokens I think.. anyways.. keeping calm


All-Star 3
One would hope the 40+ FB tokens I'd saved up return also..
I've been a real squirrel saving all my nuts for ULs in the various programs..
Been saving for quite a bit.. but finally statted using stuff.. the wau this season has been going the legends/flashbacks etc will always be a let down.. and if they release ULs i wouldnt be surprised if they release a promo the same week with similar ovr free player..lol
Got screwed with the get loose event. Saved 90+ tokens.. now no set to redeem them.. lets c what happens


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